Those are
3 dogs who have seen more launches than their dinners.....
Not that they seem to be ill fed :-)
It's all go on the Low Orbit Helium Assisted Navigator (LOHAN) front as the British contingent of the team gears up for the forthcoming "Punch" and "Judy" test flights. On 5 April, we'll assemble at the new "Blighty's Baikonur" (formerly in Berkshire, now relocated to Herefordshire) to launch two balloon payloads. The first …
> The test rocket motor enclosure sits way below the box at the end of a long carbon fibre rod:
... and when it fires, there will be (hopefully) a nice big force imparted to the end of the rod. Given that the other end of the rod is attached to something else, what will start spinning?
A rare state of mind for me. I am cautiously optimistic about things working out. It's going to provide some proper data in any case.
I just hope the forces unleashed on the Punch electronics box when that lovely piece of pyrotechnic excelence starts its powerful thrusting are not enough to completely tear it to bits.
Launching both flights at the same time is good in terms of time schedule. But if the Judy flight proves the heating works, but Punch fails to deliver a fast moving spray of hot ejaculate another flight will be needed to see if the heating makes any difference.
Somehow I missed it until now but do I understand correctly that you are planning 2 flights - one with the motor but without the heater, the other one with the heater but without the motor - to see if the motor will work OK with the heater?
Wouldn't it be better to send 1 flight with both the motor and the heater together?
you just don't get it, do you?
these guys will do anything to require another test flight before the real thing.
there's no failure if you never fly but there's no success either.
mine's the one with the extra pocket in the pocket.
[and the tongue firmly in cheek (not that one, you prevert!]
The heater is wrapped around the full-fat Cesaroni 54mm case, and that flight is simply to test the heater.
The second flight will carry smaller but loaded Cesaroni motors, to test ignition.
The two flights are because of weight. Sticking all the stuff under one balloon isn't practical in this case.