What do you mean there's no app for this?
Hopefully that will be fixed ASAP.
As we age, our brains' cognitive abilities decrease. No surprise there. But one team of researches has experimental proof of a therapeutic technique that can reverse that decline: video games. What's more, they've devised a way to directly stimulate your brain to improve its cognitive abilities, and created a 3D digital model …
...has this knack of giving me nightmares.
...anything that staves off that is to be welcomed.
PS: piano playing. That bit where it feels like your brain is dividing itself in half as you work with both staves. Has to help (I hope).
"In addition, the game was adaptive [...] it adjusted the challenge level as the player improved, "keeping you right in the sweet spot, which our game developers called the 'flow state'," and the reward levels were set so that both the driving and sign-identifying skills needed to improve in tandem before the player could level up."
'Flow' was explored by the philosopher Mihály Csíkszentmihályi (pronounced 'chicks send me high' according to the man himself). The idea of a stimulus strong enough to elicit improved performance but not strong enough to discourage was articulated by Lev Vygotsky in the context of primary schooling. Google 'zone of proximal development' (ZPD) for more stuff.
"The team has created video games specifically designed to challenge users by presenting them multiple streams of information in a distracting environment, a particularly difficult scenario for older adults."
Birmingham New Street Station (UK) around 5pm on a weekday evening. Navigating through that would be equivalent to an hour or so of joystick pushing I reckon.
Now, seriously, where do I buy this?
There are games and there are games and then there is the Great Game and Greater IntelAIgent Games Players who play Life for Real in a Series of Virtual Games, which Defy Reality to Deny IT its Almighty Presents? :-) ....... Media Machine Man Management .... an Alien Prior Art Phorm [All Patents Preserved and Pending]
One Ring to Rule Them All is that which Greater IntelAIgents Servers Supply.
Wakey, Wakey, Rise and Shine, El Regers. A NEUKlearer Age has Dawned and does not Suffer from Fools nor Entertain them Either as Useful Tools.
Cometh the hour, cometh AIMen and Manna from Heaven/Original Information from New Spaces‽