Re: Interesting stuff
Dear Robert,
Back in 1997 I had my first job with Halstenbach ACT, back then a small-ish software development company with the desire to get into Eiffel. I left them after a year because the boss and I had a different opinion about getting a shed for my bike in the office building. Small beer, for sure, but "yes" means "yes"...
In 1998 I switched to CSC in Cologne, worked in 6 or 7 different projects all over Germany and left CSC because they did not want to cover inflation with pay-rise. I felt it was unfair, and I looked for a new opportunity.
3 years into my career I decided it was better to go at it alone. That was in the year 2000, August to be precise. I had no savings, no nothing...
I got a job at EMC Germany to teach Perl to some Symmetrix guys, and got into storage admin etc.
I've setup my own company in the meantime, and do only work on those contracts / jobs that I want. Currently getting to grips with Ireland for my main customer, joined a JV between 3 guys to setup a new web-based service, and that JV has now grown to 5 guys, and the next web-based service is being developed in my sparetime by me.
I do what I want, I am not accountable to anybody about my actions. I respect the people I work with, and I *love* the work I do. I always say "Cycling is my biggest hobby after work". The obvious implication is that the work I do actually is my hobby...
You don't need anything, except for self-confidence, total sense of fairness, a good understanding of your niche in the IT space, and an incredible attitude towards work: willing to take ownership and to do something about somebody else's problem / proposition. And of course, a bit of luck finding the contract / role that *you* want.
Oh, I must confess: between August 2000 and now I have been 14 or 15 months without job. Scary average, I know :D So job security reasons do not really come into play...
You want to know more, contact me privately ;)
php dot guus at gmail