This goes completely against the proposed so-called EU-USA free trade agreement and therefore give it no credence.
For there is no such thing as pure democracy and politicians fighting for the people anymore, just partyocracy and the politico-corporation mantra that treads on the people's rights and wellbeing.
Indeed this trade pact will be any no good for the people of the USA and the EU. For this trade pact is not an free-trade agreement for the people of the USA and the EU (they are the cash-cows) but for big business. Indeed the agreement has built into it a minimum profit for the multinationals and if this is not met, they will be able to sue the USA and EU national governments (supported by the taxpayer who ultimately pay) for the difference through secret courts behind closed doors. Don't believe me read the 'small print'. Therefore this pact will definitely make things and commodities dearer and the people of the US and the EU the poorer. But it will of course make the mighty corporations richer by far as usual with the western politico-corporation 'behind closed doors' collaboration.
Dr David Hill
World Innovation Foundation