back to article Box shock stock doc clocks 250 million bucks

Box has filed its hotly anticipated initial public offering (IPO) paperwork to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The upstart's S-1 document was published this afternoon, US West Coast time, putting in motion its stock market debut. Box, which provides online file-sharing for businesses, wants to raise $250m from …


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  1. Vince Lewis 1

    foreseeable future?

    [Quote]"We have a history of cumulative losses, and we do not expect to be profitable for the foreseeable future," Box noted in its SEC filing. [/quote]

    I admire their candour, but if they succeed in floating it just goes to show how fundimentally screwed up the whole system is.

    For a long time Amazon opperated at a loss, but I don't think they thought they wouldn't make profit in the foreseeable future.

  2. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    So will that stop them issuing dividends?

    Of course not.

    Welcome to IPO's in the 21st century, where companies have no foreseeable possibility of turning a profit but will probably issue a dividend regardless.

  3. Fihart

    Sticks nix hick pix

    Someone on the Reg is looking for a job opening in Hollywood on Variety Magazine.

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