back to article YOINK! Toyota reveals – then DENIES – Apple CarPlay by 2015

Toyota had a bit of a snafu on its official UK blog today when it appeared to have leaked the release date for Apple's CarPlay in its vehicles as sometime in 2015 in a post that was quickly removed. In the first version of the post, Toyota was talking up the new "iOS in your car", saying the tech would be able to sync with …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    wonder if it's only going to appear on toyotas more high end badged offerings (AKA Lexus)

    1. LarsG

      Toyota Dealership

      Was doing some contract work in one last week, lots of people sitting in armchairs waiting for their cars to be serviced, must have been 15-20 people.

      Average age 70.

      Does this say something about why Toyota are wanting to buy into Apple?

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Leaked by mistake, or pretence of being leaked to generate yet more Apple rumours.

    1. Eddy Ito

      I'd wager it's a legit mistake. Who at Toyota wants to put out a statement that essentially says, "Apple fans, don't buy a 2014 Toyota, wait until your shiny will plug-n-play in a 2015 Toy!"

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Why not just install regular Bluetooth and let the end user attach whatever device they want?

    Oh right, Apple is involved. Limiting freedom of choice keeps their share price artificially inflated.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Indeed. Anything involving a closed proprietary shop like Apple kit would be a negative.

    2. John Tserkezis

      "Oh right, Apple is involved. Limiting freedom of choice keeps their share price artificially inflated."

      I was going to ask about those other Those-That-Must-Not-Be-Named phones that are currently outstripping iPhones in sales?

      Odd they should do this really, the current (ish) crop of Toyotas have a reasonably good bluetooth connectivity with not only your (must-not-be-named) phone, but your phone's music collection - at least from what my brother in law says, he's quite happy with it.

  4. Dan Paul

    An Apple Luser...

    can't figure out complicated stuff like Bluetooth communications so they HAVE to be led by the ring in their nose.

    I can't wait for a closed Apple ecosystem to hit the market so I can sue the ever lovin piss out of the car manufacturers for favoritism, restraint of trade, safety issues....

    1. Antidisestablishmentarianist

      Re: An Apple Luser...

      You left ponders do enjoy your suing don't you. I'm surprised it hasn't been made a professional sport, televised and prepended with the tag ULTIMATE. Actually for all I know it already has!

      I am confused though. I don't own a smartphone, but from you post it would seem that merely by purchasing an Android phone I could figure out how that darn new fangled bluetooth stuff works, and be able to call people Lusers. Conversely purchasing an Apple phone would mean being clueless on the subject, and also involve needing to get a body piercing?

      Hmm, maybe not owing a smartphone is infact the smart thing to do.

      1. Dan Paul

        Re: An Apple Luser...

        I agree NOT owning a "smartphone" is more intelligent and you should know I'm as far right as you can be.

        Closed Apple solutions are for crybaby's that heaven forbid don't understand that you press a few buttons on the car radio after reading the manual in order to setup Bluetooth on your Android (or Apple phone). Then again you'd have to know how to read and push buttons.

        My 2009 Ford Fusion can do it and no one needed an Apple only environment. My Yamaha reciever can do it too. My comment "luser" might as well mean LAZY.

        Too many "overly sensitive" people in this world.

  5. Anonymous Coward


    instead of the car makers play together to standardize things and lower prices with the OEMs, no, they go the Apple way...why is it that this recalls me a not so distant distribution/sales book agreement?

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    If the worried Apple haters looked into this

    They'd see all the in-car stuff that has been announced, whether for iOS or Android, doesn't actually run either OS, but instead runs QNX. So they'll all support both of them eventually, the announcements are merely about which is supported first. In fact, even if you bought a 2015 Toyota and it supported only iOS, it would probably take only a firmware update for Android support to be added later.

    This is all a bunch of wailing and gnashing of teeth for nothing...

    1. Dan Paul

      Re: If the worried Apple haters looked into this

      Correct, the real issue here is only one of communication as in Bluetooth versus Airplay.

      Bluetooth needs a few buttons pushed to set up so you may need to read a manual; thus seemingly leaving "many" out of the loop. Airplay is generally configured to just connect which frankly may not be the safest method.

      However, in any system that uses IOS OR ANDROID to run an auto's front end, (over QNX) I would rather have Android because eventually, more people will develop for it and it will be cheaper.

      There is no reason why any Toyota would not support Bluetooth (it's cheap as chips) so why would Toyota jeopardize income from that many more possible Android users if Apple wasn't paying them???

      If Apple pays them to lock out Android phones, there will be a lawsuit! Mark my words.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: If the worried Apple haters looked into this

        Don't confuse "Toyota is supporting iOS first" with "Toyota is supporting only iOS".

        Why are you worried about Apple paying to lock out Android phones? Where have they EVER paid someone to lock out Android? Better zip up, I think your fanboy is showing.

  7. Velv
    Big Brother

    "Never believe a rumour until it's officially denied" - Sir Humphrey Appleby

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