back to article Seven Great Moments in World Wide Web History

[I am grateful to my assistant มาลัย (which means 'Garland of Flowers' in Thai) for scraping the BBC website to bring us these facts, which I have then curated. If you can remember any of this, you can't have been there – sb] 1. 1989: Nuclear beginnings At CERN in Switzerland, humble English white-coated lab assistant Tim …


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  1. b1tchell

    First Tweet??

    Sure you sure about that Stephen Fry one?? It says he sent that at 18:42 on the day in question. Every tweet below that top one is earlier....

    1. Sorry that handle is already taken. Silver badge
      Paris Hilton

      Re: First Tweet??

      I can't decide which way to vote! It could be serious, but then surely that's too obvious? It feels like an irony overflow, or divide by zero error. Aargh.

      1. Ole Juul


        OK, I'll decide for you. You both get an upvote.

  2. Aristotles slow and dimwitted horse

    RE #7...

    "Four years on, and the social media boutiques and meetups of ‘Tech City’ are the envy of the world. Local coffee shops take record earnings on the back of "hipster" meetings and go on to save the entire economy. The fact that nothing actually useful, groundbreaking or *ahem* new - is actually delivered from "Tech city" is conveniently swept under the carpet when the begging bowl for funding does the rounds once more..."

  3. Buzzword

    Poe's law

    I can't tell whether this is parody or just copied & pasted from the BBC News website.

    1. 's water music

      Re: Poe's law

      it's pretty plainly copy'n'paste

      1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

        Re: Poe's law

        I think the leftist slant has been markedly increased though!

    2. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

      Re: Poe's law

      The fascinating thing is that Poe's Law appears to apply equally to the article and many of the comments.

      I believe eventually online prose will become so arch and ironic that we will reach a state of Bayesian perfection, where every statement has equal probability of being sincere or parody. This maximizes information entropy, and as such will be a Good Thing.

  4. JimmyPage

    Surely ..

    the UK adopting the Meerkat as it's national animal should be in there ?

    1. TRT

      Re: Surely ..

      That's part of the UK TV revolution. That magic box wot we invented. Not some Scottish bloke.

      1. JimmyPage

        Re: Surely ..

        IMHO no internet - no comparethemeerkat - no ads.

      2. wolfetone Silver badge

        Re: Surely ..

        The meerkat was always a cheap pretender to the throne of Crazy Frog.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    You forgot the cats.

  6. Captain DaFt

    I can't believe you missed this one!

    Until the 1970s, people either sat at their office desks, on a pub stool drinking, or at home on a couch watching telly. All the while wishing they could be elsewhere.

    Then John Cleese introduced walking, and got everyone on their feet, finally able to go to the loo!

  7. Henry Minute

    Tech City was accidental

    A little known fact about Tech City is that it came into being due to a typo.

    A senior civil servant received an email from (call me) Dave in which he had mistyped 'The City' as 'Teh City'.

    A phone call was made to point out this error and Dave said "Oh yes I see". The cs heard this as "Oh yes a C" and naturally assumed that to be a missing letter. Obviously he had never heard of Tech City but assumed that he should have and therefore set in motion the creation of the catastrophe that now exists.

  8. Vatsan

    #6: Steve Jobs inventing the Mobile Phone - are you sure? Is it the Mobile Phone or a Smartphone?

    1. slime

      Steve Jobs invented ALL phones, shortly after he invented computers and sliced bread.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Steve Jobs inventing the Mobile Phone

      It took Steve 6 days to build the world

      on the seventh he created Apple to control it all

      check US patent application Y67299R673 if you think it's not true!!

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Oooh, not that Fry...

    1. Paul Wells

      Re: Futurama?

      Stephen Fry frozen for a thousand years? How would the BBC survive?

      1. an it guy

        Re: Futurama?

        the world would evolve beyond all recognition, and he'd be left with many useless facts from yesteryear. Perhaps the rest world would thank the archaic organisation called BBC for its foresight, and increase of actual knowledge in the world. Then again, the BBC might actually rule the world by that point via dissemination of news that causes the world governments to implode, and fund itself by forcing the world to pay a license fee.

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