back to article Beware Abe Lincoln-looking code pros trying to sell you on LOBDOPs

Time spent at the QCon software developer conference and exhibition in London this week comes with certain guarantees. There will always be free T-shirts on every stand, gummy bears or jellybeans if you’re lucky, and a high footfall put down by the serious coding cognoscenti. And mixing among the Abe Lincoln “beard but no …


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  1. Irongut Silver badge

    "code review is extending its scope... welcoming in business, legal, compliance and risk specialists."

    Yeah right. I have enough trouble getting the involved stakeholders to actually read a spec and offer useful criticism. The idea of them getting involved in code review is laughable, not that I would want them so involved anyway. This is just more vendor bullshit to sell crappy tools.

  2. EddieD

    Abe Lincoln,

    Or Amish?

    Of System of a Down?

    I always wonder about these stylised facial fungi - when I grow a beard, it's because I don't want to shave, and these seem to take more work than either clean shaven or folk-singer, fisherman, or a Billy Gibbons

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Abe Lincoln,

      It's easier to shave a moustache than a beard. Why would one want to shave the moustache? Well, food for one.

  3. stephendv

    4 devops please with chilli sauce

    "Surely that’s like giving airplane passengers a full list of avionics checkpoints and an ongoing data feed from air traffic control on every New York to London return?"

    No. It's like giving pilots, air traffic control and ground staff an ongoing data feed from the avionics of every flight. Then letting them choose to search and alert on the bits they're interested in.

  4. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    Is there anything left for the NSA to hack ?

    "It’s all basically about analytics insight that goes on behind the firewall"

    Seems to me that NSA guys are in overdose mode now, foaming at the mouth and just twitching sporadically with all the data they are getting access to.

    Oh, and when are they going to slot the "cloud" word in there ? I couldn't find it anywhere in the article.

    Come on, you know it's going to happen.

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  5. This post has been deleted by its author

  6. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    Decision tables anyone?

    Simple to understand.

    Can handle non boolean variables.

    Turning complete (if you include a flag for 1st cycle and termination conditions that read it).

    Can be optimized.

    Supported directly in COBOL 85 (and requested to be included so yes it it used).

    Used to implement knowledge based if/then/else systems with a 100x speedup.

    And unknown to probably 90% of the people reading this.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Decision tables anyone?

      I suspect Turning is turing in his grave

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