Is the government's NBN policy changing your vote? Greens Senator Scott Ludlam thinks so
Greens Senator Scott Ludlam said something interesting in parliament on Monday.
During a long oration in which he invited Prime Minister Tony Abbott to visit Western Australian and face community anger, he listed things that he feels have made local voters mad.
Here's what he said about the NBN:
"As for the premeditated destruction of the NBN and Attorney-General George Brandis's degrading capitulation to the surveillance state when confronted with the unlawful actions of the US NSA—even the internet is turning green, 'for the win'. Geeks and coders, network engineers and gamers would never have voted Green in a million years without the blundering and technically illiterate assistance of your leadership team. For this I can only thank you."
Is Ludlam right? Are you, as an IT pro, more likely to vote for someone other than The Greens? And have you switched because of the NBN?
Get commenting, folks ...
Here's the relevant Hansard if you want to read the whole speech, or you can see it on video here.