Flawless aesthetics?
Uh ... no.
In the early days, I always sat upwind of Steve.
Apple godhead Steve Jobs was known for his love of superb but pricey design and flawless aesthetics. So why on Earth has the fruity firm decided to immortalise him with a monstrous statue that's been described as a "huge dildo" for fanbois? Twitter critics have erupted in rage and disbelief after the statue was unveiled on …
Herma - originally used to mark boundaries and dedicated to Hermes who, among other things, was Greek god of boundaries .... so see why Apple have gone for it - it aligns directly with the whole ethos of "we get you to buy one device from us and then you're trapped in our walled ecosystem"
Artist's eh! don't you just love em? You can always rely on a sculptor to be so arrogantly fixated on their own idea of 'Art' that the subject matter gets completely ignored. I'm surprised he managed to remember to put Job's head on the top of it; which probably explains why it looks like it has been stuck on at the last minute just before the approval committee arrived.
I can sum it up with two words "bloody dreadful".
>You can always rely on a sculptor to be so arrogantly fixated on their own idea of 'Art' that the subject matter gets completely ignored.
That's not really a problem if you have lots of sculptors submitting proposals for the same commission... it is then the selection panel that chooses the final piece.
Infact, one would use a sculptor *because* they have their own idea of art (you wouldn't expect them to fixate on somebody else's idea of art, surely? It's not as if there is a public consensus on what art is, either); otherwise you'd just use a 3D scanner and a 3D printer to create a mold for casting.
Since its supposed to be Art as opposed to a a functional device (like the iPhone), it certainly seems to tick all the right boxes.
As with any art, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'm not a fan of most modern art, but that doesn't stop it being art. Unless it's Tracy Emin, in which case it's shiteart.
... if I were an artist I'd have gone for installation art - a sculpture of an iPhone, iPad and early Mac all with working screens displaying iconic footage (e.g. that famous turtleneck picture, the macbook air reveal, etc.)
I'm not a massive fruit fan, but I can only assume the artist hates Apple.
I think it's sweet that Apple should be supporting "outsider art". I do too, I have a teacup with "Lobsters" written on it and with a tiny severed human head inside, made by a highly creative inmate of our local loony bin. Of course the Jobs statue doesn't quite reach that standard....
Looks like they forgot to grind off the flash from the molding process...and to break off the "1" and the "0".
It looks all out of proportion. But then, I'm not a sculptor and have always been pretty literal. I'm sure it will be fine, and as others have said, it looks like it includes coat and hat hooks, so it has that going for it.
Hey, guys - I think I found out where they got the idea...
I've been reconsidering Jonathan Ive's actual design taste ever since he replaced all the fonts with spindly light text on low-contrast backgrounds. I thought the home movies with the unreadable white text were amateur mistakes, but now the marketing materials on Apple.com feature that, too. It's hideous.
Now this. Ive should never have been let out of the industrial design lab.
Actually It pleases me no end to think that Jobs himself would have absolutely hated this statue's organic, sloppy style with such obvious signs of the maker's hand all over it.
Something in smooth-polished Carrara marble or alabaster, inlaid with titanium or platinum would have suited The Leader's tastes a lot better. Yes, such a style would perhaps evoke an unwanted association with the public art of totalitarian states throughout history, but that cap definitely fits Apple under SJ.
But given my choice, I'd prefer to see Clarus back grazing beside DeAnza Blvd just once before Apple ups sticks and heads to the Great Glass Grommet.
My first thought was “Pez gas-pump*”. The slithering, rough-hewn letters are what make it work; however, to me, the digits contribute nothing †. To my eye, the chin looks a bit too prominent.
* — Gas as in petrol; pump of the 1940s North American variety.
† — Note to self: reflect on banality of technological “revolutions”. Yup; it’s art.
I will agree with that having read all this, not a lot of cheers, indeed. I am now trying to be fair and leave my mean nature for a short while.
Among all the contenders there must have been several statues in the Lenin Stalin Mao type, right arm raised with some iThing in the hand. Liberty size perhaps, with a cafeteria in the iThing too perhaps. As that did not happen lets consider some other, sure as hell, contenders, the product statue. Perhaps a king size Mac, the plexi one, as a restaurant or perhaps a more modest buss stop or a "pissoir". That did not hit either so now we are left with a golden apple or some tangled steel construction a la Dali or something. The jury did not bend and now we will have to accept this herma. But look at the head, why this "death mask head". Jobs was a good looking chap most of his life. Around Apple II I was very impressed with Apple and him and a certain third person. And there is something wrong in the relation between the size of the head and the rest. And what about the E. It's like looking at a thalidomide child who died from starvation, put on a stick to remind drug companies of their responsibility. The elk shaped penis to the right makes the poor child look like a road kill. Non of my business but why did Apple not give us a change to choose between say eight "contenders" just for fun.
It looks like part of an old iron bedstead or fence post that has been vandalised by a dyslexic welder with no artistic talent.
I thought Apple was supposed to be successful because of it's styling and design. Erecting this monstrosity will just make the company a laughing stock and speed the demise of the apple myth. A plastic dog turd on a plinth would be more tasteful and somehow more appropriate.
I see what the artist was trying to achieve. The piece represents the mortality of Steve Jobs and the logical reverence of Apple using hipsters. For the piece is a dildo that is imagined to be rapidly thrust in and out of job's rectum by Apple fans - each thrust reaffirms the bond of the two.
We can all agree I feel that I have hit the proverbial nail on the head.