Re: Prat-and-rot Voyeurism
"What your typical, sheeple, paranoiad-delusional bleating fails to grasp is that a voyeur's prime goal is the sexual gratification of the act, whilst the prime goal of the NSA and GCHQ is to preserve the rights that idiots like you have to self-delude yourself."
What a delightfully innocent little creature you are if you actually believed that. :)
"It's rather ironic that you are able to post your dribblings with almost certain safety from terrorist attack due to the same actions that you mindlessly attack."
I think that's a variation of the "We fought a war for the likes of you blah blah."
Are you terrified this group of SEL's could actually win an election? LMFAO at that idea.
Sounding a bit paranoid there Mattie, if you don't mind me saying so.
IRL The real reason most people in the UK live free of the fear of islamist terrorists is because there are actually so damm few of them to begin with. In 2007 MI5 said they were watching 2000 suspects. The 2010 UK population was 62.3million
That's 0.003% of the UK population who might possibly, maybe, perhaps actually do something, eventually. Ever heard the phrase "Freedom is the right to be uncomfortable?"
It's not just disproportionate to the size of the threat it's grossly disproportionate to actual threat.
More damage and probably more lives will be lost in the next 10 years of extreme weather in the UK than by any real terrorist incidents. In fact the total of UK terrorist deaths 2000-2012 was 59, less than the number of people who die in botched DIY annually Lee Rigby's death would bring that up to 60 in 14 years.
I don't expect those figures to change your mind. The only question left is why won't they change your mind?