back to article HP: We're so down wid da kidz! Look at... er, Smithers, what DO yoof look at these days?

So desperate was HP's desire to get down with the kids that it made a child-like error in a job ad aimed at recruiting graduates. University leavers should forget trying to bag a role at one of the new breed of tech firms because there's plenty of positions in the, er, marketing department up for grabs at the grand old lady of …


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  1. Pete 2 Silver badge

    Hitting the bottle

    > What do you think about when you hear the name HP?


  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Brown Sauce or Red Sauce?

    Yummies, the sausage Sandwich game (Danny Baker 09:30 Saturdays Radio 5)

    HP is an also ran these days. Sad to say that as I'm an HP Pensioner.

  3. Doogie Howser MD

    13 months in Bracknell?

    When working for HP is not torture enough!

    1. br0die

      Re: 13 months in Bracknell?

      I actually found HP to be quite a nice company to work for. But that was a few years ago.

  4. Rob

    Sad state of affairs

    Unfortunately proof reading is a skill that seems largely lost nowadays, scarily I've seen PR people drafting press releases without any proofing what so ever.

    1. Kubla Cant

      Re: Sad state of affairs

      Unfortunately proof reading is a skill that seems largely lost nowadays, scarily I've seen PR people drafting press releases without any proofing what so ever.

      A proof-reader might tell you that "whatsoever" is usually written without spaces, and that you shouldn't join two sentences with a comma. A semicolon or colon would be appropriate here.


      1. Matt 21

        Re: Sad state of affairs

        ..and may have raised an eyebrow at the article's use of "a child-like error in an job ad" :-)

      2. Rob

        Re: Sad state of affairs

        Thankfully I'm not paid for my writing or proof reading skills ;-)

  5. Matt Bryant Silver badge

    Well, there's always the old joke that hp marketing would sell sushi as "cold, dead fish", so I'm not surprise they'd be a little stumped! But apart from the massive editorial fail (was it because they've laid off so many office staff there was no-one to proof read?), I'm surprised hp are even trying direct marketing. I though all the large companies used cookie-cutter job specs, tick-box interviews and recruitment agencies nowadays?

    1. Richard 26

      "Well, there's always the old joke that hp marketing would sell sushi as "cold, dead fish' "

      I thought that was Digital marketing. Perhaps HP bought the rights to that joke as part of the Compaq merger.

  6. mark 63 Silver badge

    I can see why they were stuck . I cant think of anything about HP that would "appeal to da kidz"

  7. J.G.Harston Silver badge

    Insert headline here

    Subhead in bold.

  8. Tony S

    Another mistake

    "Our marketing teams make sure we’re sending out the right messages to people and businesses all over the world, so they know about what we and how we can help them."

    Re-read that last phrase

    "So that they know about what we"


    "and how we can help them"

    I'd say that the message they are sending is that their people are not too bothered about accuracy. As for the help, probably to spend lots of money for something that is of poor quality and doesn't do what it should.

  9. Anonymous Coward

    Judging from what I hear from teens and twenties these days...

    They probably don't see anything wrong with it.

    1. John H Woods

      Re: Judging from what I hear from teens and twenties these days...

      You'd be suprised. My kids (15 & 17) routinely spot minor typos on posters when we are out and about. In fact, I had the gotofail code open in an editor the other day and the eldest (whose closest brush with coding is having just started doing a bit of scripting in game mods) glanced over my shoulder in passing and asked if I'd made a mistake by writing 'goto fail' twice!

      This is from a teenager whose ambition is to be a firefighter: I'm sure a large dose of FPS must be increasing their observational skills!

  10. zbcontent

    Impressive product knowledge

    Direct quote...

    ""What do you think about when you hear the name HP? Is it printers? Laptops? Maybe it's Beat Audio? Most people do. It's understandable – these are our products people see every day," the ad stated."

    The trademarked name is "Beats Audio" -- which they license, by the way. And it's not a product, it's a feature.

    Quality control -- alive and well at HP.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Another copy proofing error: "As an intern here, you’ll dive press and analyst relations" . I sometimes think that it is not possible for their press relations to "dive" much further

  12. ssieler

    That ad text has been in use by HP since at least last August. See:

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