No price war
I doubt they are going to be competing with Amazon on cost. I'm sure there wont be a huge difference, but I am sure bug customers will be adding this to their ELA.
It will be difficult to do a straight up cost comparison.
VMware will next week launch a hybrid cloudy infrastructure service to take on Amazon in the UK, using only channel partners rather than his own employees to do so, a move many old world tech vendors have so far failed to make. The covers are to be lifted from the VMware Hybrid vCloud Service – launched last year across the …
We've found that Amazon costs are about double the cost of doing it ourselves. That includes datacenter pace/power/cooling, physical equipment, network, and all associated staff to deal with it.
Amazon, etc are great if you don't have the staff to maintain the infrastructure or you are starting out where spending money on the datacenter is not as good investment as in developers, etc to make your product better. But once you get to a certain capacity, the clouds costs are really out of line compared to doing it yourself.
vCHS (I was a beta tester) is not cloud - you buy a chunk of reserved capacity managed by vCloud Director in 3 or 12 month terms. Hardly 'spin up, spin down, pay for what you use'
No ability to use Veeam, Zerto or anything else that needs access to the underlying vSphere.
Bezos can sleep soundly.