Where did I credit Google with the sensor design? The *functionality* is a breakthrough. Kinect's goals are relatively limited, and IR / sonar are pretty rough around the edges; unless their implementation has been significantly improved - perhaps by dint of combining the data with other sources, which would hand some of the credit to Google, incidentally - I don't think they're capable of much that's very interesting.
I did a significant amount of work in the 3D-from-sensors (of various types; everything from structure-from-motion to LIDAR etc) world back a few years ago, so I'm not unknowledgeable. But it's been rather a while since I was in the thick of things, so I may have missed recent developments (hence the 'as far as I'm aware').
I honestly don't care who's responsible for a given technology, or who gets the credit, or which damn fanboys get to wave their unsavory extremities in celebration thereof. I'm interested in what I can do with the technology, in what it's capabilities are, and in how it was achieved. Unfortunately, it seems that despite my careful wording, which was chosen specifically to indicate that I was interested in technology rather than assigning blame / credit to a favored organization, you, at least, have seen fit to assume that I just *must* be on *someone's* side.
Perhaps you should consider what other people are actually saying before you jump to conclusions and write them off as delusional.
For the love of all that is holy, can we have a discussion about some interesting stuff with some interesting potential uses without getting in a useless fucking pissing contest about which clique of halfwit cockchugger commentards gets to claim a glorious victory?!