Today's menu
Should go well with some P-code and #deadbeef. Maybe followed by tea (or java) and cake (Raspberry Pi was too obvious)
Frozen food outfit Birds Eye has released a new product called “mashtags”, processed potato snacks in the shape of characters often used online. The new product hasn't yet made it to Birds Eye's web site in the USA or UK, but we're willing to guess the new product is closely related to the Potato Waffles from the UK site. …
Meet C001D00D outside the 000FF1CE and head the the place where CAFEBABE with B16B00B5 works. FEEDFACE and drink 1CEDC0FE but don't get a D15EA5E from eating BAADF00D or DEADBEEF. Post a 5E11F1EE of yourself next to the 1CEB00DA to FACEB00C. Then get back to work, crank up the headphones to max DEC1BE11, and write BAADC0DE for AD0BEC57.
A similar product (minus the Twitter wannabeism) already exists, McCain "Smiles." It's basically just a dense mashed potato mix extruded into smiley face disc shapes, par-fried and frozen. Birds Eye is apparently doing the same thing with new shapes.
The "Smiles" product, after cooking, ends up kind of like tater tots but somewhat denser. They're ok, I guess. Small children seem to like them, so I suppose Birds Eye was thinking about six year olds entering the kitchen, Android phone in hand, requesting a meal of chicken fingers and hash tags.