back to article Birds Eye releases 'mashtags' social spud snacks

Frozen food outfit Birds Eye has released a new product called “mashtags”, processed potato snacks in the shape of characters often used online. The new product hasn't yet made it to Birds Eye's web site in the USA or UK, but we're willing to guess the new product is closely related to the Potato Waffles from the UK site. …


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  1. Pete 2 Silver badge

    Today's menu

    Should go well with some P-code and #deadbeef. Maybe followed by tea (or java) and cake (Raspberry Pi was too obvious)

    1. Kevin McMurtrie Silver badge

      Re: Today's menu

      Meet C001D00D outside the 000FF1CE and head the the place where CAFEBABE with B16B00B5 works. FEEDFACE and drink 1CEDC0FE but don't get a D15EA5E from eating BAADF00D or DEADBEEF. Post a 5E11F1EE of yourself next to the 1CEB00DA to FACEB00C. Then get back to work, crank up the headphones to max DEC1BE11, and write BAADC0DE for AD0BEC57.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Today's menu

        Is it just me, or did anyone else spend a few minutes trying to mentally turn your hex into ASCII, before realising what you had actually written?

        Nice one.

        1. monkeyfish

          Re: Today's menu

          That's just you. Weirdo.

        2. Rob Daglish

          Re: Today's menu

          Nope. Realised what he'd done straight away - anyone else used to play "give the novell netware network a funny IPX number"?

      2. Old Handle
        Paris Hilton

        Re: Today's menu

        Okay, I understood all of those but one... what's an 1CEB00DA?

        ...Unless the CAFE has an ice sculpture of the Buddha, but that seems unlikely.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    ..combined with alphabet soup could turn a person into a troll at the dinner table...

    1. spudmasterflex

      Re: Mashtags....

      I stopped eating alphabet soup after finding bse in mine.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Mashtags....

        "I stopped eating alphabet soup after finding bse in mine."

        It could have been worse... just be thankful you didn't find poop!

    2. Dave 62

      Re: Mashtags....

      mmm mashtags and alphabetti spaghetti would make a delicious if trashy and unhealthy meal. can't wait for these to land in Tesco's freezers.

      Will they include some common #hashtags like #yolo, #swag, #suchwonder?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Mashtags....

        You forgot #JustSaying

        1. Martin Budden Silver badge

          Re: Mashtags....

          @NW Cynic

          The g is superfluous. #justsayin

      2. Lamont Cranston

        Re: Mashtags....

        I assume that the smiley is actually #innocentface ?

  3. LarsG

    'Healthy and Educational'

    Another 'Healthy Processed Food' that can be fed to the younger generations and along with a plate of Alphabetti Spagetti, can be educational.

    1. TheOtherHobbes

      Re: 'Healthy and Educational'

      "Made with Real Potatoes!"

      As opposed to imaginary, or integer potatoes?

      1. Martin Budden Silver badge

        Re: 'Healthy and Educational'

        Last time I checked, integers are real.

  4. Calum Morrison

    Old news; potato waffles were actually supposed to be punched cards...

    1. The Man Himself Silver badge

      as advertised

      Bird's Eye potato waffles are waffley versatile

  5. WraithCadmus


    Are leftovers are fully RFC 1149 compatible?

    1. wolfetone Silver badge

      Re: Leftovers

      They are mashed with salt so they would be very secure.

      1. Ben Bonsall

        Re: Leftovers

        Assuming no one retrieves them from the recycle bin.

  6. Tanuki
    Thumb Up

    "Then he ate the evidence"

    How long before some kid gets taken to court for spelling-out something on his/her dinner-plate which a third-party finds threatening harrassing or offensive?

  7. deadlockvictim

    Secure food

    The offering from Bird's Eye is salted and hashed, well mashed.

    Just as well they ddin't include a mashkey with it.

  8. David Paul Morgan

    I think a 3-D printer company...

    should add a potato nozzle and we could eat those incriminating e-mails rather that shred them.

    Eat what you tweet!

    Perhaps Microsoft should do a wing-dings version?

    1. Ben Bonsall

      Re: I think a 3-D printer company...

      Shredded tweet?

  9. Piro

    I suggested a long time ago they make different smilies

    But now they've made a stupid hashtag thing? Jesus.

    I wanted some different expressions to stab with my fork! Not a hash or an at sign.

  10. Graham Marsden

    Oh great...

    ... so now not only will we get pictures of people's dinner on Failbook, they'll be hashtagging their mashtags too!

  11. IGnatius T Foobar


    A similar product (minus the Twitter wannabeism) already exists, McCain "Smiles." It's basically just a dense mashed potato mix extruded into smiley face disc shapes, par-fried and frozen. Birds Eye is apparently doing the same thing with new shapes.

    The "Smiles" product, after cooking, ends up kind of like tater tots but somewhat denser. They're ok, I guess. Small children seem to like them, so I suppose Birds Eye was thinking about six year olds entering the kitchen, Android phone in hand, requesting a meal of chicken fingers and hash tags.

  12. Valeyard

    special offer...

    ....comes with lots of free cookies and some junk mail in the box

  13. JDX Gold badge

    "the new product is closely related to the Potato Waffles"

    Or Alphabites, shirley?

  14. Lockwood

    I was going to try and make a hash brown joke in here.

    I couldn't think of one; someone help me out please

    1. Ugotta B. Kiddingme

      I ate an entire bag and dropped hash brown in the loo.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "...could harden your @rteries and cause a ♥ attack, at which point an upside-down LOLbite could be the result. "

    At least you'd die with a LOLbite on your face.

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