Re: Another case of bullshit from the military?
"Hey, we've got this exo-thingy ready to trial, we're just looking for a military grade extension lead that'll plug in to the nearest working wall socket we find on the battlefield. Ideally, it'll come with adapters for US, UK and European sockets."
Rather than something like, "Hey, we have this whiz-bang suit that requires X amount of energy to drive it. What do you experts out there have to fit the bill?"
Something that has been done since we first developed technology and have only increased doing.
Or do you honestly think that NASA designed and built all of those rockets and modules? That radar magically got better on government research alone?
Hell, if he gives me a suit to keep, I'll come up with the energy source gratis.
Better yet, after initial delivery, I'll take a second suit to up-armor and add integrated weapons systems for it. They're welcome to purchase the improvements back and keep them.
But, I'll keep the first suit.
This arthritis and assorted other injuries acquired over decades of military service rather sucks.
I'll have to check out their energy and logistical requirements.