Twitter stands alone on this?????
<rant on> WTF???? Why isn't every web entity (large or small), every ISP, even every domain holder joining them in this? Yeah.. most people say "it's Twitter--meh." but if the government spying is to be stopped or at least more open, this suit should be joined by all. It is a start in the right direction.
The NSA, et al, deal with companies that have an every dog for themselves attitude. And because the companies have this attitude, the governments play one against the other and their spying goes unchecked and can only get worse. It's time that not only the people.. the users... but the providers stand up and say "enough"!!!
Yes, we know that Google and the rest view users as the product and data collection as the means to that end. But for the government to do it and use that data in ways not yet known or even thought of can only make the US government (or any country for that matter) the real masters of the slaves.
A wise person once said: "united we stand, divided we fall". Well, the US is divided by selfish interests and the fall is coming. <rant off>
The really sad part is that what could have great is going to end up as something straight out of Orwell. If we're not there yet, we are well on the way to that kind of hell on earth.