Re: ObnoxiousLiar ObnoxiousLiar ObnoxiousLiar DDOS
So please do show me where stopping terrorism is acting against your rights?
How many more official bodies would you like to state that the overreaching spying is doing nothing to stop terrorism? Stop believing the lies Matt.
I assume you are so stupid you want the right to be blown up?
As your beloved programs can't stop me being blown up, it would appear I have to live with that risk, just as I have had to for all of my life, just as my forebears did, and their forebears, etc. etc.
Indeed, whilst you're at it, please do go the whole hog and explain how your privacy has been 'invaded', show some evidence that you personally have had your rights 'violated', and how you yourself are supposedly the worse off for it?
Packets which I have legally sent, each containing perfectly legal content, over the internet have been illegally captured by the state for analysis. No warrant was ever sought suggesting that I had any involvement in crime of any description, no oversight of what the analysis of those packets produced has ever taken place, etc. etc.
But we already know you can't, you just like bleating because you're so desperate to think you're important enough for someone to bother with you.
You must try to stop repeating yourself. We've already discussed that I know full well I'm of no interest, that's how come I am security cleared by HM Government, because I'm of no threat, or interest.
So I must be objecting for some other reason right? Can you figure out why I am objecting?
You might find some clues by reading the replies that I posted to you over the many post we've both made about this subject.
Indeed, it is the fact that no-one has a reason to pay you any attention that scares you the most because it means facing the dull pointlessness of your existence.
I actually quite like the fact that my existence is pointless and meaningless, I don't have any wish for fame or a lasting legacy. Having such a pointless and meanigless existence means I can be left the fuck alone by the scum who seem to believe they have a right to know and judge everyone.
Here's a clue - you are of ZERO INTEREST to anyone! Get over yourself, quit trying to understand subjects you are clearly ill-equipped to consider, and go try doing something useful instead.
Oh I understand the subject Matt, it's you who doesn't seem to understand it at all.
I'm guessing you're living in denial of what is going on, and I don't get that. You now know the facts.
You know how much information is being gathered, and that it is all being analysed.
I'm guessing you don't understand that the only way this amount of information is of any use at all is if it is used to build an associative index of everyone.
I'm guessing you don't believe it's possible to build such an index of everyones associations, and ignoring history which shows the DDR Stasi did it on paper for the population they spied on.
I'm guessing you don't believe the security services would do that, because they're "the good guys". Which works in your head because you dismiss the first points.
What I can't understand is why?
Why can you be so blindsided by the statements being made by people in power that you can't understand what they have done?
Why can you be so blindsided by their lies that even after multiple other people in power have stated that none of it has had any effect on stopping terrorism that you still scream in defense of it?
Why do you think that any state body has the right to fish around in the personal communications of everyone and anyone without reason and/or oversight?
At what point did you start to believe that the lives of individual people were the property of the state to record and invade at will?
At what point did you start to believe that the state could do whatever it liked without caring about laws, due process, and people?
Presuambly given your statements about all of this you admire what the Stasi did in East Germany? Presumably you admire what the NKVD did in the USSR? That is what you're defending after all, isn't it? That the state can record and do whatever the hell it likes with the lives of the people, without oversight, due process, or obiediance to law?