There Always Has To Be One
Well done Jake for showing up as the essential dimwit troll, not only a stupid little person I guess you go along grinding down the warning studs at the edge of pavements, (sorry Jake for you 'sidewalks') showing the blind or partially sighted where to cross the road. Do you also turn off or stop up the vibrating and audible sounders on pedestrian crossings? Ban wheel chairs because the all important Stupid Jake does not like or need one. No need for crutches either in Jake's world, you either get with his plan or tough.
Personally I am ALL for inclusion where it can work; bigots like Jake can take a hike. Sure many 60 year olds are as fit or fitter than many 40 year olds were when I was born. But age related problems DO EXIST. While the current crop of sixty, seventy, eighty or even ninety year old inhabitants are in many cases still very active, some of us will, or do need adaptations to make things assessable. While an operation greatly improved my back and mobility, with damage to my hands I now find a screw top release tool useful. I may start to use voice dictation to allow assess for me to write on the computer since the keyboard is becoming hard to use; stupid ignorant raving trolls like you Jake, are simple offensive non contributors.
So a mark for Fujitsu for at least making an effort to reach out to a possible market segment that they clearly feel exists.
Did silly Jake complain about the current push to touch screen devices aimed at the young with full manual dexterity? No? I thought not! I find that rubbish totally useless, so finding a new mobile phone is increasingly difficult, I do not boycott that dross. Since I cannot make use of it there is no point to buying a new phone. I still use the ten year old voice technology on my old mobile. There is a world of difference between meeting needs and forcing fashion on those unable to employ the trend.
So Jake before you crawl back into your play pen, well done to Fujitsu for a small step forward in market choice. I do hope the machine in question is NOT encumbered with 'so called touch' and those god awful kiddie bricks of the TIFCAM Windows H8 .