"based on the fact that you just threw your iPhone off a cliff, it appears you may be somewhat irritable this morning"
Apple seeks patent for mood-sensing technology
Apple is seeking a patent on something it calls “Inferring user mood based on user and group characteristic data” that its application says would figure out how you are feeling and “... then deliver content that is selected, at least in part, based on the inferred mood.” The patent application observes that “While the …
Monday 3rd February 2014 04:27 GMT Denarius
Oh great, re-inforcement
so if one is feeling down, or worse, cheerful, the adds reinforce that ? Much worse when adds for things/services get served that reinforce a bad mood because some sales weasel feels one is susceptible to buying ? I have observed that the worst response to feeling blue is have some one or thing try to cheer one up. The consequent rage might backfire. Always hope, admittedly feeble, that even the USSA IP mob might knock this idea back.
Monday 3rd February 2014 04:37 GMT dssf
INT WTF is the USPTO Smoking if This Patent Is Approved?
This patent better have limited scope.
-- I create a forum rich in mood and attitude flags for users to select, honor system based
-- Users inject smiles between text, speak their minds (honestly, hopefully)
-- I have the backend database collect metrics or values on EVERYTHING, since THAT is what databases do
-- Scripts look for key words in the dialog/discussions/links/flags scanned
-- An ad repo, pre-marked with ranges of flags, is scanned and based on the tension, tenor, pace, and mood and other mode-monitoring, content is flagged-up, in ranges of sensitivity, socio-economics, topic, and other information pre-disclosed by the participant/s targetted.
HOW can the USPTO grant protection in a patent against what I've just posited above? It cannot, not cleanly and honestly, that's for sure. It's way too obvious, and all the forums out there already contain enough info to assist advertisers. Emoticons help, when used honestly, and text-scanning is NOT Apples province, domain, or right to commandeer. That tech has preceded them. I can understand their need to find a new market from which to wrangle income, but, USPTO, this is NOT the market to grant a broad-controls patent for one solitary/sole company to hijack.
Monday 3rd February 2014 05:51 GMT Mike Bell
No targeted ads, thanks
It's the only way to be sure.
The bright young things at Apple spectacularly failed to assess my mood right after my mother had died, by sending me a personally addressed email inviting me to buy her a load of stuff for Mother's Day.
If, on the other hand, the ad-men had resisted the urge to annoy the world on this occasion! there would have been no issue.
Monday 3rd February 2014 06:18 GMT Anonymous Coward
Mood sensing works?
Reiterating @Mike.
It'll know the instant I am too cheery of my life and serve me ad of Bentley and I'll happily browse its website for all the wallpapers. But, after I have passed that happy moment, I have so much distaste for those rich filthy things that cannot go without a persuading ad.
So, if advertisers want a real brand building, they should go back and put their brands on buildings. I'll see Bentley everyday and not feel offended at the same time.
Sunday 16th February 2014 22:25 GMT wayward4now
Re: The inevitable
Shhhhh!! next they will try to claim the Wankometer, which is my work in progress. It measures eye-pupil dilation when scantily clad members of the opposite (and/or same) sex are presented. Since everyone knows that pr0n is $profits$, I'll get stinkin' rich and buy that Bentley!
Monday 3rd February 2014 09:09 GMT Pete 2
No need
For Apple, mood sensing is pretty easy.
When you first buy the product: Joy
When you first try to use it: Confusion
When you show it to all your friends: Pride
When you get the first monthly bill: Horror
When it breaks: Depression
When you try to get it fixed: Annoyance
When the next version comes out, 6 months after you bought the "latest": Anger
Monday 3rd February 2014 20:10 GMT sjsmoto
it didn't work too well in the future
Toaster: Howdy doodly do. How's it going? I'm Talkie, Talkie Toaster, your chirpy breakfast companion. Talkie's the name, toasting's the game. Anyone like any toast?
Lister: Look, I don't want any toast, and he doesn't want any toast. In fact, no one around here wants any toast. Not now, not ever. No toast.
Toaster: How 'bout a muffin?
Lister: Or muffins. We don't like muffins around here. We want no muffins, no toast, no teacakes, no buns, baps, baguettes or bagels, no croissants, no crumpets, no pancakes, no potato cakes and no hot-cross buns and definitely no smegging flapjacks.
Toaster: Aah, so you're a waffle man.
Tuesday 4th February 2014 01:43 GMT Fluffy Bunny
In the old days, an inventor had to have a working prototype - that's why Arthur C. Clarke wasn't able to patent geostationary satelites. Does Apple have a working prototype? Almost certainly not, it's just a thought bubble. They're just patenting this in case somebody else develops it so they can sue the pants off them.
Tuesday 4th February 2014 03:09 GMT Steven Roper
Let Apple have it!
Actually I believe this is one patent Apple should be allowed to have. In fact, I'd like for them to have complete and ironclad control over all emotion-sensing technology. Why?
Because that would mean, since I will never buy an Apple product or even allow one in my house, I wouldn't have to worry about my phone, tablet, computer, TV, fridge or toaster analysing my emotional states for advertisers to exploit; an insidious and vile misapplication of technology by any standard. If Apple had control of that, it means nobody else would be able to use it, and I could safely watch Game of Thrones on my (non-Apple) TV without worrying about some advertising agency scanning my face and spotting that I have the hots for Cersei Lannister.
Sunday 16th February 2014 22:35 GMT wayward4now
Tech Support Call Centers Need This
...while you're cursing a blue streak at the stupid canned
"Before I connect you to technical support, may I suggest you try..."
F-YOU! Get me a #$%& HUMAN! Aiiiiieeeeee!!! Someone just SHOOT ME!! I've been on hold for a f'ing HOUR! Stupid machine! Yahhh! Yahhh!
"Thank you for waiting, your patience is appreciated ... and we'll be right with you"
They need a mood sensor for damn sure...