Re: Amazon is NOT cheaper than self-run CO-LO
absolutely agree mr IOPS.
I tell folks amazon has one use case and one use case only
- your software stack can handle built to fail
- your application load is very highly variable, to the point where stuff is going up and coming down all the time.
I'd wager a TINY fraction of 1% of workloads out there are like that.
Anything else and your using it for the wrong reasons. That doesn't mean you can't limp along and get it to work. More often than not ends up with massive cost overruns, availability problems, performance problems or a combination of the them.
I've talked to bunches of companies over the past 2-3 years that have moved out of various clouds (often amazon) all of them for the same reasons that everyone lists. Unfortunately for folks like myself those often don't make the news headlines. I moved my company out of amazon cloud two years ago (I was hired to do just that I wouldn't of taken another job working with amazon, and still won't) and cost savings aside, the improved availability, performance, flexibility, and perhaps most important of all EASE OF USE has made everyone across the board more productive.
By contrast I tell folks it's like building a Hadoop cluster backed by a tier 1 Fibre channel SAN for storage. Sort of.
It's the wrong solution for the problem at hand. Though ironically the FC SAN will do the hadoop job better than amazon cloud can do just about everything else. You'll just pay a lot for it.