Re: Meyer not the person for the job
More than anything, Meyer is a coal mine canary for institutional investors, large shareholders and banks.
There are a lot of shareholders out there that have kept their money in the 'traditional' big name tech companies even through the crappy years following the .com bubble and fairly grim state of global finance. They're hoping those companies can get righted and turn their shares into many small fortunes.
At issue throughout the tech sector are executive management philosophies. It's fairly obvious, that the same Underwear Gnome philosophies that created then burst the .com bubble, aren't viable in today's environment. However there's a severe shortage of executives mature enough to manage multi-billion dollar companies who didn't learn business under the stupid circumstances the bubble created.
Can Meyer, and other post .com tech executives apply traditional, proven, metric driven financial practices to old .com properties and revive them? If not, then Yahoo! won't be the only big name tech names to disappear.