If THAT'S all you're wondering about, then ponder this:
The mic possibly could continue to record even when you "turn it off". Even if you turn off the antenna, turn on airplane mode, and Faraday-cage it when not in use, it might work in concert with the accels/gyros and report what was audible at what lat/long or near what cell tower, or in what coffee shop or library said audio was captured. Then, when reconnected to a net, micro-bursted in small, non-lag/latency-affecting snippets neither you nor any sleuting tools you install could find. It doesn't even have to be the NSA doing this -- it could be slightly-advanced script kiddes, employers, suspicous spouses, police, data thieves, nosey neighbors, anyone who can find or employ the services of the kit or a person verse in its use.
The notepads with all their rights-grabs... You type what you think is personal stuff not discoverable to anyone. But, you browse all sorts of sites, and gradually, multiple hackers are infesting your device(s), one or more competing for access to your stuff, your inner digital sanctum. You might begin to wonder why so much lag/latency/stuttery pages despite it being mostly text. Could be your photos and notes are being lifted with you unawares, or aware of the possibility, but, as long as you use devices you load with software from unvetted (not by reviews, but by a valid security team paied to help you keep your secrets protected beyong google's semi-empty gestures) sources.
Just wait til you use a bonk/tap/rub-together device, or hug someone who is wearing a micrro-filament-antenna garment that can either access or short out electronics carried by unsuspecting targets.
Application Permissions Required for Use:
-- access to antenna
-- access to contact lists
-- access to keyboard
-- ability to create, modify, and tear down ad hoc networks (without your knowledge, awareness, or consent)
-- ability to blurp your location (without you knowledge, awareness, or consent)
-- abiltiy to access sensitive logs
-- abiity to modify (read, edit, delete) contents of the above
-- ability to start services that cost you money
-- ability to prevent the device from sleeping
-- abillity to control the screen
-- ability to operate the microphone
-- ability to prevent the disruption of active transmissions or reception
-- ability to read password-protected files
-- ability to back up your files to one or more sites
-- ability to incriminate, implicate, extort, blackmail, harass, intimidate, or frame you, if the need arises
Digital Age Phase