back to article Windows 8.1 update 'screenshots' leak: Metro apps popped into classic desktop taskbar

A set of screenshots leaked to the web purports to show how Microsoft is working to better integrate Metro-style apps with the classic desktop in a forthcoming update to Windows 8.1. The screenshots, which were posted online by Russian serial leaker "WZor," were allegedly taken from a prerelease testing build of Windows 8.1 …


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  1. LarsG


    Reverse gear, reverse gear and be quick about it!

    Oh and slightly off subject, is anyone else being plagued by a slidy outie pop up box 'More from the Register' here on El Reg that appears from the right hand side midway down and covers the 'make a comment' box at the most inconvenient time.

    Or am I being victimised?

    1. sam bo

      Re: Reverse

      "Or am I being victimised?"

      you're being victimised :-) Not showing up here on a win8.1 machine but it is running Firefox with adblock , so that may be why.

      I'm on wireless broadband here with an 8GB quota for the month. I just hope the update isn't another 3.6GB download when it finally arrives.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Reverse

        FF and adblock here too. No sign of it.

        1. Dave 126 Silver badge

          Re: Reverse

          I don't use Adblock on The Reg, because a, I like The Reg and b, their adverts are not normally intrusive - they get the balance correct. A month or so back there was an annoying Microsoft advert here with audio, but I can only assume that this was a rare oversight. Were that kind of advert the norm here, then yes I would enable Adblock.

          A good number of websites have become almost unusable in the last year or so, with constant in-window 'pop-ups' and elements that break the normal conventions (such as changing the behaviour of my mouse scroll to move between photos, for example). The Reg is not one of them.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Reverse

            >I don't use Adblock on The Reg...

            I didn't used to, but they went through a phase of flash and/or heavily animated ads that meant I just killed them. I can't have stuff flashing and bouncing around the screen at work.

            1. Richard 22

              Re: Reverse

              noscript is great for only blocking the more annoying ads. I don't allow any Javascript on the Reg and it all functions pretty well. I reckon non-intrusive ads on here ought to be a) semi-relevant to me and b) pay for the site, so I haven't used ABP for a while.

              However the company I work for has recently implemented a corporate ad-blocker due to security concerns, so I no longer see ads on any site from work (I get a red and white "Ad Blocked" image instead, which is actually more annoying than the ads)

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: Reverse

                Unless you only go on a handful of the same websites Noscript ruins web browsing. Far better to run your browser in a sandbox such as Sandboxie or the web browser virtualisation offerings of Avast, Bitdefender, Comodo or Kaspersky.

          2. ThomH Silver badge

            Re: Reverse

            > I don't use Adblock on The Reg

            I didn't until they started sliding things all over the screen. Hopefully I've managed to target just that one thing.

          3. This post has been deleted by its author

      2. aqk
        Thumb Down

        Re: Reverse - Mobility ISP comment

        What? Only 8 Gb?

        And I was complaining about my 10Gb monthly! Last month I accidentally went up to ~13.5 Gb, and my wireless Internet bill was $130 !!

        And still running Win 8.0 on a hard-to-transport big desktop - Obviously I do not feel like DLing that 3.5 Gb Win 8.1 upgrade.

        ISP is Bell Mobility Canada - for anyone who cares to know who this shoddy service is supplied by.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Reverse

      On an iPad it is a pain in the a@@@@@@@@@

    3. diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      Re: Reverse

      "Or am I being victimised?"

      Yes, you're in the 10% of readers that's seeing the sliding 'more from the register' design in an A-B test (see the forums). Drew says it's the least popular so far.

      I'm not seeing it, for instance.


    4. Michael Habel

      Re: Reverse

      PROTIP: Use ABP (FireFox, Chrome & Safari), and NoScript (FireFox only?), and never be plagued by Adds ever again.

      1. Oninoshiko

        Re: Reverse

        never be plagued by Adds ever again.

        Damn maths, plagues me it do!

        (hint, it's "ads" short for "advertisements," not "adds" which would be short for "additions." Furthermore, neither word is a proper noun.)

    5. Greg D

      Re: Reverse

      No, but also off-topic, I am getting more than a little annoyed at the slow-to-load page elements that cause the text formatting on the main article completely move around. I lose my place, but its just annoying as hell on EVERY article.

      Bloody adverts. Reg, fix your code please!

    6. Asok Asus

      Re: Reverse

      Seems like half the web sites are making their pages unusable with that right slide coverup the web page up so you cant' read it box. Firefox with Adblock Plus solves the problem.

  2. dssf


    Why did i think "killer" when I was Serial? Sigh...

    Anyway, Threshold probably will get changed when/if enough people associate "threshold" as "limit of pain tolerance", or as "Thrash-hold", which is an undesirable thing to envision being done to oneself, especially by a company unto its bread-and-butter users.

    Why cannot these companies operate in the mode/mood of "Let's bake bread together"? It is as if instead it is the user face down or bent over, to the grunting of "Let us BREAK BED together".... Except there's no "together" about it when it's one-sided... the user can feel "thrashed" and "holed"...

    1. Tommy Pock

      Re: Serial...


    2. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Serial...

      @dssf - "Why cannot these companies operate in the mode/mood of "Let's bake bread together"? It is as if instead it is the user face down or bent over, to the grunting of "Let us BREAK BED together".... Except there's no "together" about it when it's one-sided... the user can feel "thrashed" and "holed"..."


      That's pretty funny right there.

      But let's get real - it's a DE - sorry, I have a hard time feeling "raped" or "assaulted" by a DE. If you really hate it that much, there's about a thousand other DE's out there you can use. Besides, with Classic Shell, I don't even notice Metro ~98% of the time. And in touchscreen mode, Metro actually works pretty good.

      1. Philip Lewis

        Re: Serial...

        "And in touchscreen mode, Metro actually works pretty good."

        Maybe so, but the problem is most people don't have a touchscreen anywhere near their desks, so a counter intuitive quirky interface requiring secret touch gestures is not likely to be high on the love list for most.

        1. Anonymous Coward

          Re: Serial...

          And, once you get your hands on a touchscreen ultrabook like I have where the monitor snaps off into just a tablet, you might not want to go back.

          So there's that.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Serial...

            Your experience/demands may well differ from a lot of us here.

            When you can run 6 * 4GB VM's with 200GB of Databases and storage on your shiny-shiny touchscreen then I for one will be interested. My 17in Laptop with 32Gb Ram and 2TB of HDD can do that and drive TWO 1920x1200 screens at the same time.

            Until then a Surface device will be regarded by myself as a toy/plaything. If I want to surf the intenet while sitting on the loo (not the sochi type I might add) then my Android Tablet will do nicely.

            See, I don't do Windows touch screens. Believe me, I tried (my boss even let me use his Surface/Pro when he went on holiday) but who ever designed that UI needs to be taken out and shot.

            The rub is that he never started using it again when he returned. It is sitting idle. One of these day, I'll put Linux on it hence the Anon.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Serial...

              I am currently in the same position, the Boss bought himself one of the latest and greatests foldable laptops running 8.1. I am counting down the days until it gets relegated to the side drawer, the fun value will run out real soon, it then becomes mine......

            2. Phil_Evans

              Re: Serial...

              That's really not as daft as it sounds. For me, if you're getting bored of Windows as an OS (and the event horizon it seems to be headed towards), then Linux really can be the answer. Whilst I prefer a traditional desktop, I can see the appeal of Ubuntu and Unity for the incumbent 'mobile' interface world. Whether Microsoft like it or not, the iOS and 'droid way of doing things is just the way it is for anyone not using a Windows 'device'.

              All this disclosure shows is that Microsoft are finally retro-fitting Windows 8 to the PC desktop where it belongs. The traction in Mobile OS for Microsoft suggests that the whole common UX thing is a loss-leader. My money would be going towards killer apps on droid and iOS - a totally alien business model, but I WOULD use Office, Skype and OWA (or something much better) on a mobile device.

              'God help them, if it were raining soup, they'd be out with forks'

            3. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Serial...

              > who ever designed that UI needs to be taken out and shot.

              He was. Unfortunately the UI didn't go with him.

            4. Michael Habel

              Re: Serial...

              The rub is that he never started using it again when he returned. It is sitting idle. One of these day, I'll put Linux on it hence the Anon.

              Can that even be done? I'm sure that increase its value significantly.

            5. Robert Grant

              Re: Serial...

              If you run all that on your own PC, you're probably crazy.

        2. Terry 6 Silver badge

          Re: Serial...

          Well put Mr. Lewis

          says it all really.............

          ".........the problem is most people don't have a touchscreen anywhere near their desks, so a counter intuitive quirky interface requiring secret touch gestures is not likely to be high on the love list for most."

          Say that and you've said all that needs saying,

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Serial...

        > Besides, with Classic Shell, I don't even notice Metro ~98% of the time.

        I went to the dentist, and got a filling that hurt so much I couldn't sleep or eat. But it only hurt like that for half an hour each day - so that's ok!

    3. Splodger

      Re: Serial...

      The upcoming Win8 update/Win9:

      Will it still have MS Skydrive cloudy bollocks baked in to the OS?

      Will it still have utterly shit wifi network management?

      Will it still call programs "apps"? (I'm not a teenager FFS!)

      Will it still attempt to force me to have MS accounts & sign up for the ridiculous "app store"?

      Will it in fact still have the ridiculous "app store"?

      Will it still only have a help function if connected to the internet?

      Will it still force people to hunt down settings options? (Clue: put them ALL in "Settings"!)

      Will it still have swipes and fecking wanky "charms"?

      Will it still refuse to work with peripherals that worked perfectly with Win7?

      Will it still be intrusive, annoying and goddamn infuriating?


      Fix all that and the rest, otherwise no. Thanks, but no.

      1. Gav

        Re: Serial...

        Settings. Yeah.

        Had to add an account to a Win8 laptop the other day. All the options for editing and configuring the user accounts are on the Control Panel. Much like Win7, and every other Windows since forever. But the option for creating a user account? In an entirely different place that took me half an hour to hunt down. Of course.

  3. dssf

    Optional Thrash

    "Thrash", per:

    Probably IS appropos, too, as in "Thrashold", hahaha

    TOSFKATT: The Operating System Formerly Known As Thresh-holed/Thrashold"

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    In a surprise move, Microsoft is also going to add the traditional Windows desktop, including Program Manager to Windows Phone 8.2 (codename 'Warp Redux') and Nokia will be supplying a wired mouse with every phone.

    Sources close to the matter stated: "doing this is the only way we haven't already screwed up" and vowed to "short MSFT long AAPL as soon as I can get my sorry ass to my broker"...

    1. Anonymous Coward

      You forgot to mention that due to a huge breakthrough in technology, "the mouse has been enabled in MS-DOS mode". That's going to be a key selling point for this shiny new OS.

    2. Captain Save-a-ho


      Are they scraping WordPad to bring back EDLIN?

    3. Ron Christian

      desktop on every phone

      > Sources close to the matter stated: "doing this is the only way we haven't already screwed up"

      They sort-of have already screwed up in this fashion. Windows Mobile 6 and earlier had this tiny "Start" button in the lower left of the Home screen that invoked a walking menu that had to be touched very precisely.

      But the point I think you're trying to make still stands -- putting a desktop paradigm on a mobile device is ill-advised. However, putting a mobile paradigm on a desktop device is *not*, repeat *not* the solution.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: desktop on every phone

        I remember Windows Mobile phones from a decade ago, at least they had a stylus for touching the mini-CE start menu.

        Difficult to get that point of accuracy with a big chubby finger. (oo-er!)

        1. Terry 6 Silver badge

          Re: desktop on every phone

          I had Windows PDAs. They did the job for taking notes while I was out and about, doing my job, keeping a diary etc..Then uploading it to the PC later.

          Plenty to moan about, but they worked. I used mine happily and efficiently. A stylus, a limited number of icons and a purpose.

          Intuitive. Efficient.

          1. Peter Gathercole Silver badge

            Re: desktop on every phone

            Ditto Palm devices.

  5. tsf

    So they're moving toward allowing 'Apps', or for the non trendy traditionalist's, 'Programs' to run on the desktop.

    What will they think of next?

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Your serial ports and parallel ports are going to work twice as fast due to some advanced technical wizardry. And your dialup speed will be an amazing 112 kbits/s - the webernet will practically spring to life for you.

    2. Vociferous

      > What will they think of next?

      I hear they're toying with the idea to let the user have more than two windows open at the same time. Maybe even overlapping windows!

      1. solo

        Since you stole my words, I'll pretend to be serious: so, here goes the hard-work of the last (and next) 3-4 years of the most used OS advancement. Now, the MS cannot use that iMarketing phrase "The most advanced Windows yet".

    3. Ron Christian

      What will they think of next?

      Multiple CMD windows open at the same time?

  6. Herby

    Build conference, which will run from April 2–4 in San Francisco

    Ought to be interesting. My big wonder is if they wil let in people wearing Google Glass, or have the Homeland Security people usher them out.

    Of course, they could have a version of Windows that works on Google Glass, you never know. Now THAT would be interesting (and pigs can fly)!

  7. Jordan Davenport

    "It's not clear how the Windows Store app icon got there in the screenshot, however, because the checkbox isn't checked."

    The Apply button is active, not greyed out, so if genuine, it's entirely possible that the person had checked that box to make the Windows Store icon appear and then unchecked it before making the screenshot.

    That said, other screenshots show the icon as pinned to the taskbar and not open.

  8. Vociferous

    My god it's full of ugly!

    I didn't think Windows 8 could get any worse, but seriously, that's one butt-ugly OS.

  9. joed
    Thumb Down

    State of denial?

    So just when all computer literate Windows 8 users figured out their way to get rid of Metro from obscuring their view, MS is trying to sneak in this new "feature" (I bet this update will be marked "critical").

    Some say that the first step is to admit to having a problem. Can someone direct Ballmer's team to nearest chapter of AA?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: State of denial?

      > So just when all computer literate Windows 8 users figured out their way to get rid of Metro from obscuring their view, MS is trying to sneak in this new "feature"

      Maybe they are allowing Metro apps onto the desktop so that anyone who has bought apps with actual money will be able to carry on running them when they kill Metro.

      Maybe that's a flying pig.

  10. RobHib
    Thumb Down

    Not interested.

    Still using XP with a sprinkling of W7. For us, that's the end of the Microsoft line.

    Linux for new, XP where necessary/compatibility until the cows come home.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Not interested.

      "Not interested."

      Right back atcha!

      1. RobHib

        @A.C.-- Re: Not interested.

        A.C.?? - Weekly check from Redmond eh?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: @A.C.-- Not interested.

          "A.C.?? - Weekly check from Redmond eh?"

          Ooh - Linux fanboy plays the shill card! Never seen that before!

          1. RobHib

            @A.C. -- Re: @A.C.-- Not interested.

            Well, you're wrong. Really, truly wrong!


            WARNING-LONG! Multiple paragraphs of reasoned argument—unsuitable for the 140-chr$-twitterati and those who're bored with anything longer than two phrases.



  11. This post has been deleted by its author

  12. Rudy

    Closing Windows Store apps

    The easiest way (in my arthritic experience) to close a Windows Store app is the old-school ALT+F4.

  13. Lostintranslation

    Microsoft, please drop me a line when the lunatics have been reincarcerated so I can go out and buy a new PC.

  14. macaroo

    Please bring back the Start Button

    1. Michael Habel

      This goy hasn't heard of Windows 8.1 has he?

      1. D@v3


        Not available for Windows 8 Pro.

        I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned here before.

        So, if you want 'pro' features, like domain support, then you are stuck with plain old Win8.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: 8.1

          Or pro features like understanding how to join a machine to a domain? Really I know everyone wants to hate anything from MS, but Win 8.1 joins to a domain in exactly the sane way that all machines since win 2000. Did someone just tell you it couldn't join a domain, or did you think you'd start a rumour?

          1. D@v3

            Re: 8.1

            No. I didn't say that 8.1pro can't join a domain, that is one of the main reasons (in my experience) to have the 'Pro' version of a windows OS.

            What I am saying is that I have Win8 pro devices (on a domain), and I can't for love nor money update to 8.1Pro, hence, if I want my pro features, I'm stuck on Win8.

            It appears to exist, I just can't find any way of acquiring it. I keep getting sent to the sodding Windows Store, and there is nothing there. Why they can't just have a download link on their website, I'll never understand, or make it available through windows update, like they did when they still did Service Packs.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: 8.1

              I went with the download it from technet option. (I admit, not available to everyone, and not forever) but I upgraded at the same time as a getting a new workstation, so installed from scratch. It does appear to be upgradeable from 8.0 to 8.1, the options are there, that said, I've never upgraded an OS between versions, it always seems like a good opportunity to tear out the crap and start again. (And that goes for ALL OSes, not just Windows.)

              1. Ken Hagan Gold badge

                Re: 8.1

                " I've never upgraded an OS between versions"

                It's a service pack. You presumably don't take the view that you never install those but rather wait for the slipstreamed ISO to turn up and re-install from scratch. (Or do you? I suppose the idea has some merit.)

                1. Ken Hagan Gold badge

                  Re: 8.1 (as service pack)

                  To add to my earlier reply, support for 8.0 ceases in January 2016:

                  So the commenter who can't find the upgrade for Pro in the Windows Store, you have 2 years for Microsoft to find it for you. (I have to say that I had no trouble myself but I completely believe you because Microsoft's use of the Store for this SP is quite ridiculous. Just as another example, if you are logged in as the Administrator user then you cannot go on the store and therefore cannot upgrade. I had to promote my ordinary luser account to do it.)

            2. NogginTheNog

              Re: 8.1

              You have to download the 8.1 update through the App Store (spit!), which you can't access using the built in Administrator account. Temporarily create a new login, give it local admin privs, and download and install the update using that. Then bin or disable the login afterwards.

              1. Splodger

                Re: 8.1

                What a rigmarole!

                Utterly mental.

  15. dominicr

    Modern Mix

    If you are prepared to shell out $4.99 you can have this oh-so-exciting Windows 9 feature on your Windows 8 computer now, it's called ModernMix (from Stardock, and no I don't work for them).

    1. Roland6 Silver badge

      Re: Modern Mix

      In the spirit of Apple !! I do hope that Stardock have a patent application already being processed by the USPTO for this functionality...

      ModernMix is excellent, it means that I don't have to wade through all the file associations and assign them to desktop applications, I merely install those desktop applications I really want and let Windows default viewers handle the rest. Obviously for many files the default is a Modern app, so all ModernMix does is make these play nicely with the desktop.

  16. Charlie Clark Silver badge

    Metro -> Retro?

    That screenshot (colours, typography) reminds me eerily of OS/2 Warp's design.

    1. Michael Habel

      Re: Metro -> Retro?

      That screenshot (colours, typography) reminds me eerily of OS/2 Warp's design.

      Damn hes right! It does....

    2. Andy A

      Re: Metro -> Retro?

      Those big square things always remind me of CGA graphics.

      Yes, I really am that old.

  17. This post has been deleted by its author

  18. Fihart

    Is it just me ?

    Every time I see a computer with Windows 8 I want to put my fist through the screen.

    Fortunately, don't see that many.

  19. jb99

    Just get rid

    They just need to admit that metro apps and everything about their interface on desktop PC from the apps themselves to the tiled start menu is a complete and utter disaster for both usability and functionality and just scrap the whole thing. Seriously. The whole thing is just an unmitigated disaster.

  20. Zot

    I only ever see on US TV shows.

    The one I saw last night had the user go to the desktop almost immediately. They didn't have a touch screen, so it must have seemed a nightmare with the laptop pad.

    I'm hoping it will stay in the fictional world.

  21. MerlynUK


    If this is true then it looks like a blatant integration of Stardock's ModernMix into standard Windows and if so could we expect Start8 functionality too to bring back the start menu!

    I use Start8 to bypass the Start screen and restore the start menu, which for $4.99 was more than worth it in my opinion to be able to switch to a better overall OS than Windows 7. I understand people not wanting to pay extra for what should have been a standard option for desktop users, but at that price I see it as no different to buying apps from the AppStore or Google Play to make your phone/tablet more productive, which plenty of people are happy to do. Just consider it as part of the Windows price in the first place.

    Putting the ModernUI apps/start screen aside, which is now easy to do thanks to Stardock, I find Windows 8 is faster, more stable and more productive than Windows 7, and having the ability to use ModernUI apps as well as traditional desktop apps is just a bonus in my opinion, if you don't like them don't use them, you haven't lost anything really.

    The problem for Microsoft is the out of the box UI experience for desktop users without touch-screens is just not good enough without a small bit of tweaking with 3rd party apps, after which, Windows 8 is a better OS than Windows 7 for the desktop. If they would just admit that, it would make a lot of people very happy and persuade more people to upgrade, but the PR damage has already been done methinks.

    Beer, since round here its more expensive than Start8 or ModernMix!

  22. Inachu

    Since the 8.1 update.

    Since the update I see that youtube and flash sites no longer work with Internet Explorer 11 even with compatibility mode checked and or putting the url into the compatibility tab.

    Microsoft screwed it up big time. Bunch of idiots is all they are.

  23. jason 7


    ...uninstall all the core MS Modern apps from the Start Screen (you weren't using them anyway) and then its pure Desktop mode/Windows 7 stylee till you shut down.

    Takes about a minute to do.

    Just mentioning as it might make someones life a little easier.

  24. NogginTheNog

    Say what you like about Apple (and I often do!)

    But although iOS is at heart based on OS-X, they never for a minute ever tried to use the same GUI across their desktop and mobile devices. That'd like Saab building a jet fighter with a steering wheel!

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

      1. Steven Raith

        Re: Say what you like about Apple (and I often do!)

        I tend to agree.

        I think that Canonical have hit the bullseye in terms of their concept though - the same operating system running across phones, desktops and tablets - and it's the UI that changes depending on the device status/type.

        That way if you have an app targeted for it, it has destktop and mobile builds, with different UIs being used, but the same package installs it, and the same code runs it. It just uses a different UI depending on what the system says it running on - mobile display or 24" desktop monitor.

        MS have been trying to climb up the downflowing escalator by having the 'same' UI across what is effectively three entirely incompatible code bases - WP8, WIn RT and Win8; that is, doing it entirely the wrong way around. Or is that just me who thinks that?

        I realise a lot of people have their issues with Canonical (in the linux world too, natch) but it really is the best way to go if you can pull it off. The hardware, at least, is getting to the stage where it's feasible (fast mobile storage, 64bit multicore mobile CPUs - IE fast enough to run a desktop OS at a reasonable clip) so it's just a case of making it work.

        I suspect it (IE dockable desktop computing) will be the way of the future - eventually....

      2. Zot

        Re: Say what you like about Apple (and I often do!)

        Apple have the iOS experience with the 'Launchpad' app in OS-X, with big friendly graphics that can be arranged how you want them. It's basically a fat scratchpad of your favourite applications. BUT it's just a separate thing, NOT forced down your throat from boot-up!

  25. timhowarduk

    On a related topic - why do we have to put up with the TIKFAM interface on a SERVER for heavens sake? Win 2012 server is just tedious to log off / shut down / anything! How many servers have touch screens and Metro apps running on them. Bit of a fail there

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      "On a related topic - why do we have to put up with the TIKFAM interface on a SERVER for heavens sake?"

      From what I read, it's because you chose the GUI install rather than Core. Not sure someone scared of the CLI (or not bothering to check the installation options,) should be playing with servers.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Hmm

        "Not sure someone scared of the CLI (or not bothering to check the installation options,) should be playing with servers."

        You really are a tedious troll adding your festering ire-bait to every legitimate statement made on here.

        If you are old enough, I bet you were there in 1988 saying:

        "Not sure someone scared of the GUI(or not bothering to check the installation options,) should be playing with servers."

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Hmm

          "You really are a tedious troll adding your festering ire-bait to every legitimate statement made on here."

          Sadly, there are few legitimate comments on any Win 8 discussion around here. Untrue statements such as, "... why do we have to put up with the TIFKAM interface ..." when you don't are untrue and therefore not legitimate. Pointing out FUD is hardly trolling. Another example is Inachu's statement that YouTube and Flash sites don't work with IE11 on 8.1 - just booted into Win 8 to test both and they do work. And really - "festering ire-bait"? If you genuinely classify what I said that way, I can only presume my post is the only one you've ever read here. You might want to break out the thesaurus to come up with more dramatic terms if you stay on the forums :)

          'If you are old enough, I bet you were there in 1988 saying:

          "Not sure someone scared of the GUI(or not bothering to check the installation options,) should be playing with servers." '

          I'd have no reason to say the first part since I don't feel that way. As for the second part - I'll grant you the courtesy of not assuming you're foolish enough to think checking options is wrong, but in this case simply bouncing someone's statements back at them with a word changed does make that a possible interpretation. It's a lazy technique, much like the 1988 thing. If you can't come up with something good, fall back on the, "I'm older than you so my opinion is more valid," thing, huh? You seem to be channelling "jake" ...

          1. Steven Raith

            Re: Hmm

            The irony of it is that Metro + search doens't get in teh way on Server 2012. Hitting the windows key and typing 'users' is quicker than going through the menus on Server 2008. I also dont recall seeing (or at least using) any fullscreen Metro apps on Server 2012.

            I agree that CLI knowledge is worthwhile if running a server (it means you can dump the GUI, and reduce potential attack/crash vectors, obviously) but I've not really had a problem with 2012 in that respect.

            Windows 8 annoys the fuck out of me though. Which is a shame as it's pretty nice under the skin.

            No shilling here - I work on Linux, OS X, and Windows gear in different manners all the time, and lets face it, all of them make you want to put your fist through a pane of glass at some point...

  26. Sarah Davis

    1 step forward 2 steps back,..

    is the usual MS mantra

    could we have the option to turn off AND REMOVE Charms and Apps completely - you could call it DISABLE PHONE MODE so folks with workstations can just get on with their work rather than spend months trying to find ways ways to make 8.1 functional

    I love phone mode, but only on my phone


    PS - can you bring back W7's transparency, that's the best looking OS you've made

  27. PaulR79


    I can't wait to run all my Windows Store apps like.......

  28. Levente Szileszky

    You can tell the bald fatty is still there: STILL NO START MENU...


    Just how long MSFT is willing to tolerate this mumbling, chair-throwing, clueless idiot beancounter and his ilks?

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