Don't believe their lies
I am (as of this incident) a former ThrustVPS customer. People are indeed giving ThrustVPS too much credit, and you shouldn't believe their lies. They claim the hackers didn't have time to copy the customer database. Then how come several users report (on social media) that they have had their VPS's taken over due to this breach?
Well, this happened to me too. I wake up to an automated e-mail from ThrustVPS that someone had logged into the control panel in the middle of the night (such an e-mail is sent out every time someone logs into the control panel). I also notice that the RSA key for my VPS has changed. I log in the the ThrusVPS control panel to check what's up. From the logs I see that someone has logged in and reinstalled the OS, wiping all my data. I contact ThrustVPS and they tell me that reinstalling the OS is irreversible and all my data is lost.
ThrustVPS offers me some small compensation, but I ask them to refund me for my last payment and cancel my services instead. They agree to refund me, but only the part not already used. I thought the least they could do was refund me the whole thing... but I just want to move on, so I don't fight it.
While waiting for the refund to take place, I noticed several other IP's logging into the control panel of my VPS and playing around with rebooting and reinstalling the OS. Either the customer data is published somewhere or the same hacker is masking his IP to login several times to play around. Either way it certainly looks like the customer data *was* indeed breaches.