Sometimes technology goes too far....
Bad enough when your parents get out your baby pictures,
Worse if they show your scan around
And now? Oh look at my foetus?
The world is going mad.
Proud parents-to-be with a few bucks to spare might want to consider splashing out on a "3D Baby" - an "adorable baby figurine" of their pre-natal sprog squirted into shape by a 3D printer. A 3D baby in its presentation box. Pic: 3D Babies According to California-based 3D Babies, these foetal representations are created …
4D means it would also be producing its own diarrhea, burpage, and other activity. Such as growing hair..., without a crank-in-the-back...
Might be articulated, too. So, it would probably face a lawsuit or cease and desist from the owners of "Rub-a-Dub Dolly", hahahaha...
Now, will that baby be "transported" out as a facsimilie, or printed out as a Printsarian Section...., or extruded from the mother?
The 5-D version probably has Soul Release .05, hahahha
4D is a typical term used in the medical imaging world, I think they do even talk of 5D at times. The extra dimension(s) can be time - a 4D heart scan could be a video of a single heart-beat where each frame is a 3D image - but could be other stuff too like ultrasound strength or x-ray frequency, etc.
To understand the true 3D structure from ultrasound, a 4D (3D video) scan might be needed, to help differentiate the tissue as it moves around.
Finally, there's a real business case for 3D printing!
Some are printing food, others printing babies. Merge. Print edible babies, body parts, whatever... overindulge in your passion and no one needs to wonder again why your neighbours keep disappearing.
Thumb up icon's kind of suitable, innit?
I'm pretty sure fetuses don't smile. I'm also pretty sure that every model sent out is smiling.
In fact a cynic might suggest that they knocked up five models to cover the broad ethnic groups, and simply choose the closest to the picture they get. Four shades of brown should cover any issue of skin tone, and bob's your uncle! Let's start making money off these saps...
They move. Not with much coordination, but they do move. I expect they pull expressions too. That'll be the 4D part: I expect they take voxel-video over a reasonable period then go through each frame and pick out the most photogenic. Throw away all the ones where it looks like something by H R Giger, and pick the one where it looks like a smiling happy baby.
With this and the Google Glass app to record conception, I can imagine a full suite of accessories and other paraphernalia which could turn each and every baby into a product;
* Action Figures
* Making of DVD
* Greetings Cards
The possibilities are endless!
One thing in its favour though is that in a world where many children are unloved and unappreciated, it at least shows some form of affection towards a new human about to make their most arduous journey into our world.
It's bad enough working in an office where people don't have the manners to wait until their baby's been born before showing it off, and insist on bringing in their scans for people to coo over. Imagine the yummy-mummy-to-be bringing one of these in, wrapped in a hand knitted llama wool shawl, seeking praise for her fecundity.
And it will surely not be long before some nutjob american politician proposes a law that says anyone seeking an abortion must be made to hold a model of their foetus beforehand. Probably while praying, or something equally risible.
Now if you were kinda twisted, you would want to make one out of sugar and make sure its edible.
Then you could use it as part of a cake decoration to celebrate the pregnancy. Blue icing around the fetus if its a boy, pink if its a girl.
It would definitely be a novelty item and not for many...
[The members of "The People's Front of Judea" are sitting in the amphitheatre. Stan has just announced that he wants to be a woman and wants to be called "Loretta," and is explaining why.]
Stan: I want to have babies.
Reg: You want to have babies?!?!
Stan: It's every man's right to have babies if he wants them.
Reg: But ... you can't HAVE babies!
Stan: Don't you oppress me!
Reg: I'm not oppressing you, Stan. You haven't got a womb! Where's the foetus gonna gestate? You gonna keep it in a box?