This entire article is missing the "Joke Alert" icon.
At least, I hope it is.
It's difficult to imagine anyone wanting to get down and dirty with a partner who would willingly wear Google Glass. Yet one group of app developers is betting that Glassholes not only manage to get lucky, but also have a partner willing to film the whole sordid affair. The Sex With Glass app was created at a Wearable Tech …
Nah - the next logical step will be to link it to the Internet of Thingies with the GoogleDoll (TM) that communicates with the Glass and responds to the voice commands. It might even respond to the sound of the Glasshole's panting with some appropriate noises.
They'll need their own protocol though, as IP might be open to misinterpretation and trigger a reminder to refill the doll's bladder at an unfortunate moment.
"We asked ourselves: 'How can we make sex more awesome with Google Glass?"
You can't help but envisage this being said by someone with more knowledge of the theory (and theoretical research from certain mags/DVDs/websites) than actual practical "hands-on" knowledge?
Aside from that, I'm unsure whether the article would merit more from a "Joke Alert" icon than the "WTF?" one, as the latter is equally appropriate to the thinking described...
I assume this will provide single handed operation. There will definitely be a need for image stabilization. Could lead to a whole new social media platform - F**kbook or twatter.
I foresee a rapid spurt of development around this app. Perhaps leading to the adoption of a new programming language C-men.
If a google glass user really did get the chance of a shag he'd probably invite all his friends round to watch otherwise they'd never believe him, hence multiple points of view. On the other hand, how many friends do google glass users have? More likely they buy five pairs and put the spare ones on mannequins.
I think the idea they have in mind is to use the camera on your phone, routing the video feed to your Glass screen. Or just get a big mirror on the wall/ceiling, then you can BOTH(*) enjoy the different perspective(s) thus afforded.
* - Ah, I see I made the mistake of projecting my personal experience of carnal pleasures, where-in the experience is a SHARED one.
"...she's doing the online shopping, playing Candy Crush.."
o we now have a hi tech variant on the old 'If I'm asleep when you finish, pull my nightie down - it's cold'
On the other hand, when a man is in the 'heat of the moment', imagining that he looks a little like a cross between a stallion and Brad Pitt, does he actually want to know what he *really* looks like?
More to the point, does he want to be reminded of what he looked like in his glass replays?
I see little stars exploding in your view with "5pts" written on them..
Bonus boost scores for position changes and variation.
then your score is automatically posted to Google+ where nobody will see it.
Of course your mates (if you had any) would down the pub, "Only 400pts last night! hehehe"
So, from reading the comments, no-one seems to be aware at _all_ of the massive, pre-existing, cash-in-sweaty-hands market for EXACTLY this kind of thing?
People pay money for porn (hard to believe but true), and there is demand for: POV sex (where the viewer can then imagine they are the ones ploughing the stretch-marked, disease riddled whore the production crew picked up that morning), and an equally massive, and arguably growing, market for amateur porn.
Glass will bring the two together in one sweaty, sticky, groping, lube filled cojoining, which after a few months, will start to earn certain people a metric fuckton of money.
Laugh at the 'glassholes' if you will, the people writing this app are going to make themselves a fortune from this, and technologies like it.
They'd point and laugh, especially if its not very good. And then turn around and gleefully share it with the world via 4chan or some other such insane website.
No seriously, considering that most of the analysts at the CSS, the Military's arm of NSA/CSS are 18 to 25, it kind of fits the bill. I manage and train a bunch of 'em, I know what the kids would get up to without adult supervision. Hell, I'm surprised that there have only been five publicized instances of IG, CI, and CID investigations about Analysts having Collectors intercept a target that happens to be their wife or girlfriend.
And given that both Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden got fairly large data hauls off of SIPRnet and in Edward Snowden's case, SIPRnet and JWICS and/or NSAnet without being caught immediately means it theoretically isn't very difficult. Or at least wasn't. They do warn us that they're monitoring, but I've never heard of anyone getting caught that way until they open their mouths to someone outside of the COMINT mafia.
Not ass long as the neck and connection points in the nethers have limited dimensions/extensibility?
From any angle? I guess the angle of the dongle and dangle make all the difference.
"... Completely new perspective"? How about "C*mpletely newd purr spec tive"? Surely it comes with haptic and forced feed back and feed front?
Well, these vids would be a way to speed up the commute in the tube, hahahaha.
How long before we see Graystone Industries spackled all over this? Will there be any digital eyedrops en(d)hancement as add-ons?
Wait.. Zoe and Lacy are calling for me... I seen an Endfinity cymbal, and hear some digital whips cracking the digital air.....
You said when we embarked on this great adventure together, that lots of laughter was essential in a relationship.
I agreed.
You also made the point that a great deal of sex was of equal importance.
Again, I agreed. Wholeheartedly.
In fact I remember your exact words: laughter and sex are the barometers of a relationship. This was the statement you made, if I remember correctly.
Don't get me wrong. I couldn't agree more. But no at the same time, ya fuckin cow.