I won't see the trending in a meaningful timeline/time frame
I only go on 1 time every 30-40 days, dip in and out for 10 minutes once a day from Fri to Sun. Told my friends to contact me by my email address if it's important to reach me.
I wonder when fb will start scanning for such heresy and "de-trend" that from walls to keep other "friends" and contacts from following suit.
Maybe they should add a "DEtrending: your friends who don't replay to you because you don't reply to the, time-relevant to a post you made... DEtrending: youor friends who have not signed in for over 25 days... Won't you PLEASE stir the pot and get them back to daily signing in? PLEEEEEZE"
Unlike some social sites, fb won't tell you the contents of the messages your friends sent to you (as far as I can tell) because fb's relevance NEEDS us to sign in daily, preferably staying signed in so they can crawler-track us better than when we're signed out or using obfuscators.
The Register is a lot more entertaining to me, asided from some broken English some of my overseas friends use. I wish I could INTENTIONALLY break English the way an ESL user does. It's "refreshing", since it makes me re-think about English. Fb used to be my neck-rasping vampire, sucking off of my limited time to the tune of aorund 6 hours a day during my first 5 years in it. Having China cut the cord, and being in Shanghai a month, and not being successful getting a post-entry VPN to work, China showed me I *COULD* *DO* *IT*: wean myself off of fb. It was a shocking withdrawal. That is probably the best thing China has to date done for me. De-addicted me from fb.