Can you ask VALVe about the State of SFS
There is a State of "VALVe can do no wrong" at the moment on all the Tech news sites.
And to a point this is because they are doing amazing things and really pushing new ideas.
SFS should be one of them....
“Our customers have expressed a desire to share their digital games among friends and family members, just as current retail games, books, DVDs, and other physical media can be shared,” explained Anna Sweet of Valve. “Family Sharing was created in direct response to these user requests.”
So says the press release from VALVe
However their current design for Steam Family Sharing (SFS) is an absolute insult to those that asked for such a function and makes a mockery of the licenses people have brought via steam.
Valve have wisely made a system which requires the lending account to log onto target machine, this is good since it reduces the chance of people setting up SFS with strangers.
However if the owner plays a game, all other games are locked out and can not be played. If someone is playing a shared game and the owner plays and entirely different game the original player gets booted off in 5 minutes.
Like sharing a pizza, eating one slice but not letting anyone else eat the rest.
People want a proper Per Game sharing system.
And to add insult there is the offline mode loophole. In offline mode you can not only play your games, but all other games shared too you. In offline mode you could have 10+ people playing the same game at the same time having only payed for one copy.
Back to the pizza, If I go into a locked room a whole pizza magically get taken from PizzaGut and appears on my lap, and the same for everyone else that does the same.
4 Months ago VALVe was told of this issue, an issue that could be fixed with 4 lines of code. Yet it remains.
User that have been raising voices and trying to unify those that want a fairer and better system are being banned from the Forums. Long running and active threads that discus the issue and have been giving suggestions have been systematically closed.
4 months with out a single response from VALVe.