Re: Proving His Enemies Right... ExCUSE me?
Just a few years ago, I MYSELF suspected stuff like nightstand, if only because with a good dose of paranoia that leaks from time to time, I once pondered (probably from watching a TV movie or one from Hong Kong or extrapolation of plot events) the use of infiltration radio waves to hijack computers. It is not a far-fetched idea to bring to reality.
Now, supose that *I* had gone public with it, but only after, say, handing someone $1,000 to rig up a proof of concept against major laptops and desktops and a handful of year 2007 mobiles. Would that make ME a traitor, even though I would have no proof that the tech is or could be in use, but a a much more sophisticated level tha $1,000 might tempt someone to make?
Watch enough movies and work in tech and allow your mind to feel the fear of characters in movies cornered and angry, and you can eventually start scratch-padding all sorts of things that are likely in play in the real world, but you'd be smart not to try to show who might be the target of such tech.
MOreover, I became even MORE paranoid/suspicious of it due to periodic reports of police vans containing mini-mobile cell towers, able to hijack comms and equipment. That was public maybe 2008 of 2009. As SOON as that hit the press, anyone in China's military elite ignoring it would be a fool. So, I suspect China -- if up to that point it had done nothing -- probably began R&D to find out their own susceptability. After all, China has been making supercomputers since the 80s or 90s (IIRC), and surely some of their own brightest minds posited such things but had other priorities or dearth of money to pursue it...
I don't condone nor condemn what Snowden did (as yet, I'm ambivalent. Maybe because since ALL governments lie, outright lie, for their missions, it is a game on THEIR level, and I don't have to take as stand because no country would listen to me one way or another -- aside from stringing me up domestically for being "ambivalent" -- because their missions will just adapt, evolve, improve, or fail), just as with "I can neither confirm nor deny the presence or absence of nuclear veapons aboard the USS (name your ship)" could be in some cases circumvented by states tech savvy enough to backscatter ships entering and leaving port.
Besides, every compromise just forces tech innovation, and hopefully at some point gets in the way of the REAL bad guys -- the ones stealing credit card numbers, hacking pace makers, and the like.
And, once again, so long as China OWNS most of the US debt and can plunge the sanctity of the "full faith and credit of the Dollar" down the commode, it is the height of hypocrisy to call one's economic salvation a "mortal enemy", except for public consumption by the weakest of minds. Enough of our politicians gave away the farm only a handful of years ago, yet pretend they didn't facilitate or turn a blind eye. China is (currently) worlds manufacterer of economies of scale choice, and until that changes, China's not going to do anything mortally wounding to change that. OTOH, she probably will do EVERYthing possible to keep the USA from delaying her own slip, and will do everything possible to take and keep that crown. Even in football, no one team keeps on winning and winning and winning... The USA is not the Energizer bunny. Even a $1, 20-minute battery is king if juice is only needed for 10 minutes in a desperate moment.
I'll pause before I too far in spirals on non-sensicality...
Just my $1.88...