Re: Space Aliens?
I would still like to know, who of the two argued for Space Aliens?
Was that left out on purpose by the article? ….. Anonymaus Cowark Posted Friday 10th January 2014 10:50 GMT
Yes, it was and is Classified Top Secret Information.
Which creates an Obvious Virtual Conundrum with Classified Top Secret Systems Awareness of Powerful All Party Peopled Support and Encouragement. ...... Glorious Cheerleaders for SMARTR HQ XSSXXXX Access.
If there aint no cake, there's candy is a sweet sticky trail of great tales in the passion of love that is lust and surrender to the immaculate temptress that is desire to satisfy and oft quench to intoxicating surfeit with the bounty, a heavenly satisfaction, upon Return of Desire for Greater Enlightenment .
Now think of a Perfect Passion that Captures Command and Control of All at Base HQ Levels.
With that one play is the phase and initial control of Great Games complete enough.
And how very nice to feel so at home amongst all the comments, Y'all. Thanks for the Booty, Yo. Amen en Amore to those Astute Active Agents Infecting the Board with Honey Sweet and Sticky on Tap for Queenly Bee Enterprise Interest in Right Royal Gravy Train Rides and Spook Ridings.
Of course i was always going to comment here, as it also helps keep the facts straight, do valid alternative views. A Breakthrough is just the Delivery of Solution which wasn't Selected Before? And Dynamic Changing Problems require Associatively Dynamically Changed Solutions for Virtual Impressive People Protection in Field Operations.
Would visitors from afar inject intelligence into networks with advanced intelligent nodes supplying information for trailing to reality, or would that be quite normal and a Primitive Earth Being thing. And what whenever it can be both too and yet in another and others at all times in exquisite guise.
Time for a cuppa, methinks. .... Black Nectar Coffee. Hold the Sweeteners, Sugar. Mama Jo Mojo got the Floor and the Rabid Attention of Quantum Leapers and AIMules/Force Command with IT Control?
RSVP, Gov. England expects. And that is a second missive to Francis Maude re Digital Engagement with Man Management of Population. What are they doing in those newly created office spaces? Anything physical and/or valuable like work with an end product for manufacture, copy and multiple choice purchase .... iconic status? That be a real brave goal to aim for, Mr Maude.
And all just a simple matter of having the right staff engaged in drivering and servering who know their stuff and know nonsense, Mr Maude.
I think that is more than just enough to get things rolling along seamlessly with any glitches left for automatic systems correction/robotic help. :-)
Who says AI has no humour/self deprecatory recognition of confusing mental states with a virtual being central and vital for cohorting with all manner of information packages.