..is that hideous thing tattooed on her chest?
On face value, they look more than a bit dodgy and certainly deserve a mention on "World's Dumbest Criminals"
A couple of Oregon diners were cuffed last Thursday night after allegedly tipping a steakhouse waitress an envelope of methamphetamine, the Oregonian reports. Ryan Bensen, 40, and Erica Manley, 37, were chowing down with friends at the Twisted Fish Steakhouse in Seaside, a coastal town some 100km northwest of Portland. …
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Oops, I'd forgotten flashlight. So what's torch mean in USian? Something like an electric paint-stripper?
I wonder what US kids would make of Jamie and his Magic Torch, the cartoon I watched when I was 5? I'm sure I don't remember any meth labs...
A torch is either the thing used in the Olympics or it's successor, powered by butane or similar.
Depending on the fuel source, they can be used for anything from cooking through welding or cutting metal.
In my building live some people who have special needs. Around 15 years ago one asked me for some help in doing something or other DIYish. I helped him out and thought nothing more of it.
At Christmas I found two Christmas cards in my mailbox. One said, "Thanks for your help this year. I'm giving you a little gift." The other card had two rocks of crack in it.
I of course threw them away and thought no more of it. I've dined out on the story many times, though.
When I first move to North London I took my parents to a local restaurant recommended by friends. During the main course, the waiter asked if we wanted "some more cocaine", froze for a few seconds then stutteringly told us he meant "more wine". Since found out that it's common knowledge in the restaurant trade that during particularly busy periods some staff members cope by using coke or speed.
So that's what happened to them! I meant to leave a couple of Werther's Originals, and in my crack-addled state I must have got mixed up. You should have seen the look on the face of the guy who paid a thick wad of used 20s for some boiled sweets, though - priceless.
No? Fair enough. I'll, er, get my coat.
For those in the UK... here's the kind of torch they had: https://www.google.com/search?q=torch+propane&tbm=isch&source=iu&imgil=wxPuKmcvWjURIM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcQl874muZ66IQm-Uwd-VwgIwTcCWvpX_iPD3AXG-b1KhwmTFk7sUQ%253B500%253B692%253BmzYxQ-YQ8vi_nM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwaterheatertimer.org%25252FHow-to-remove-old-water-heater-element.html&sa=X&ei=cbfPUo-HGoXhoASboICQDQ&sqi=2&ved=0CEkQ9QEwAg&biw=1245&bih=716#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=wxPuKmcvWjURIM%253A%3BmzYxQ-YQ8vi_nM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwaterheatertimer.org%252Fimages%252FPropane-torch2-500.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwaterheatertimer.org%252FHow-to-remove-old-water-heater-element.html%3B500%3B692