What a load of bollocks, I am so glad that I stay away from these social-sinkholes or as I like to refer to them Darwinian Early Warning Systems as if someone keeps asking me for a facebook add I know I dont want to friend them in real life let alone on the interwebs
Zuck you! Facebook introduces 'Dislike' button... in Messenger
Facebook has finally offered its users a way of expressing disgust at the drivel their friends post. Zuck's advertising empire has belatedly introduced a "Dislike" button in its messenger app, giving Facebois a glimpse of a more antisocial network. This new thumbs-down icon is part of a "stickers" pack which also includes a …
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Wednesday 18th December 2013 07:47 GMT Anonymous Coward
Or the people who want to stay a little in touch with people who are too far away to have regular contact with? I know people can be over the top on Facebook, but not everyone using it is going 'ME ME ME ME ME!' Some of us are simply catching up with people on the other side of the world (because either they or we moved there) who we would otherwise lose touch with.
Wednesday 18th December 2013 13:00 GMT Pascal Monett
Re: sometimes you don't know what to say
And clicking on an icon instead of making actual contact to just say "I don't know to say" is better ?
I lost my mother to cancer in 2010. I can tell you that I much prefer the people who called and said exactly that to people who would have clicked a fucking button and done nothing else.
But I don't have a Facebook account anyway, so my friends actually do make the effort to phone and talk to me.
Tuesday 17th December 2013 17:01 GMT Amorous Cowherder
Has it's uses but it really is work of Satan!
I think Facebook is absolute bollocks but sadly being a budding pro photographer you have to go with the flow and get your work into as many places as possible, photography is a dog-eat-dog world where social media for us down in the pecking order have to dwell. Yes FB has netted me some work, it is useful sometimes but I hate the bollocks that 98% of Facebook consists of.
Some of the utter tossers you have to deal with, the advertising and these stupid buttons with this sort of happy-hippy teenage girly bullshit really makes grimace some days. I try to limit my activities to around 5-10 mins FB a day. I hook up with my photographer mates, catch up with a couple of photo groups, check in with family members and I check out of Zucks shit-fest for another 24 hours. I had the phone app for about week and it just got on my nerves, so I deleted it and stick to a browser at home.
Tuesday 17th December 2013 20:30 GMT dssf
A Thumb Down Icon Store?
So, for users to express dissatisfaction with a mate's comment, said user must BUY these down-thumb icons?
Did I read that correctly?
Cha-CHING! ??
Probably not. I doubt that that many users will pay for those icons/buttons enough to make it worth fb's time, unless fb is just writing it off as the cost of biz to keep users from leaving if they don't get their down-thumb. After all, even basic news sites offer thumbs up and thumbs down, Plus/Minus, and their various analogs.
Maybe the thumb down is a way to actively generate heated debates, maybe creating some sellable content to other sitess, generating income for fb? Maybe it's a way to help users incrementally purge undesirable blokes/nuttters from their friends lists, but not directly-immediately do so? Maybe, if users have reduced "friends" counts, it might save money for fb?
Maybe the "friend" list can be publicly expanded and new labels (aside from "followers") can be added: "shitlist", "on thin ice"? No, that might lead to litigation when "friends" become "fiends" and start engaging in "defriending murders/assault"....
Wednesday 18th December 2013 11:52 GMT sirhan
They need not be purchased by real money, but are "checked out" so to speak from a collection of various packages of icons. No transfer of currency, although the entire process is set up where that wouldn't be difficult to achieve. I've thought that was the plan for the future since I first saw them. Change the price from "FREE" to "$.99". Also, they're only for the "Messenger" portion of the website or official mobile app.
In fact, they're VERY annoying when I get one using Pidgin/XMPP to talk to people who insist on Facebook. When the other party uses one, I get a message that has the URL to the conversation so I can direct my browser to facebook to see the inane little icon I was just sent. Always well worth my time, I assure you </sarcasm>