What's an iPad?
Is that some cheap knock off copy of an Android tablet?
Tim Cook has broken a decade of fruity silence and finally exchanged a few words with The Register. His famous, dead genius predecessor Steve Jobs famously stopped talking to us after one of our hacks took the mickey out of his bizarre pre-baldness hairstyle*. Many years of total silence, prohibition from briefings, etc …
"His famous, dead genius predecessor Steve Jobs famously stopped talking to us after one of our hacks took the mickey out of his bizarre pre-baldness hairstyle*."
Hmmm, link ? Whoever that hack may have been, he was certainly not well inspired that day ...
I'm not bald nor pre-bald, but I certainly know tons of folks who would take pre-baldness jokes from anyone else quite badly (or baldly :-).
Then, as Jobs didn't seem to be the very tolerant kind, he banned El Reg company wide for a decade, which is indeed quite overkill.
Hack lesson: don't mess with baldness.
For some of us, that doesn't appear to be possible without the use of glue. Mine is vanishing, and based on observing my father's progressive hair loss, I might have to become a manager if I end up looking like Dilbert's PHB. In the meantime, I can't see it so I try not to let it bother me.
Commentards demand an explanation.
A glimpse of a silver case was all we saw of this, which for the first time brings Apple consumer design talents to the most utilitarian of backroom computers: the rack.
It's kinda funny to read this now, a good ten years later, and remember how Apple went through the trouble of establishing itself as an enterprise vendor – just to waste it when it became clear its consumer-aimed iStuff would seize the day, leaving the poor folks who bet on the Fruity corp stranded.
Tech comes and goes, but Apple's disregard to their customers is timeless.
Tim Cook was even worse, he tried to "emulate" steve by wearing the jeans and the turtlenecks.... Steve was bad enough with his haircuts etc but it is even worse that someone would want to copy the whole look.
Windows/DOS = Variation of *nix with nicer desktop ( debateable with TIKAM).
MacOs = Variation of *nix with nicer desktop.
Android = Variation of *nix with nicer desktop.
Digital/Dec Vax = A true outsider.
Therefore MacOs, Android and Windows are step brothers/sisters.
"VMS was also the inspiration for EPOC32 (Psion)"
Really? Anyone got sources for that (other than unreferenced assertions in Wikipedia)?
Both quality OSes, both doomed by their unfashionableness and by the lack of a revenue-generating ecosystem to promote them (no need for an ecosystem, those two were mostly fit and forget, unlike some other more fashionable OSes which were seen as ongoing revenue opportunities by an ecosystem of dependent traders).
I note that Hamill does not quote his own words to Tim Cook that prompted this terse reply that is being paraded around like a Native American's scalp.
Judging by the thanks in the reply however it must have been THE MOST Bum-licky, two-faced, sycophantic crud yet from the bullshitmeister. Nice that he takes the time to regularly message somebody he has such contempt for though with such praise though.
Please sir can we see your message so I can laugh at your pathetic journalism career some more, please, please?
...it's a fucking sentence. I have never understood the origin of "Best" when used to close an email. Best what??? I understand "Best regards", but just "Best"?
Urban Dictionary shares my frustration, but I still don't understand the origin:
(1) An elitist assholean method for signing email
(2) An email signature indicative of a laziness too pervasive to finish what one started (by simply adding the word 'regards' followed by a comma).
Answers on a postcard, please.
R Tape
No news on the new Mac Pro, no.
But there is a new model due soon - the Mac minipro. However this one needs a Thunderbolt to Ethernet cable, a collection of Thunderbolt to Sata cables, and a Thunderbolt to PCI enclose to come close to a Mac Pro, but still won't even support the amount of RAM that a Mac pro from years ago supports :(