Greedy Bastards all
This whole process of locking is repugnant. IF its a subsidy, let it remain a subsidy and let people get the advantages. There are laws to break contract early, already. Why cripple the hardware and not be able to use as it was intended ?
I know it started big time with Nokia N95. Vodafone promptly cripple voip/skype services so as to protect its voice revenue. Till 3 came along with free Skype ! Blatant profteering.
Whereas, there is no real subsidy anymore, (at least in the UK, although carriers might want you to believe otherwise- its only a deferred payment plan with 2 years lock ins with interetest included ) we are still made to suffer the ignominity of having to look for unlocking solutions and costs.
Also disallowing manufacturers to install anti theft/disabling softare to protect expensive insurance contracts for such incidents. How much worse can it get ?