back to article Helghast-ly holiday: Killzone Shadow Fall

Guerrilla Games’ Killzone: Shadow Fall is almost impossibly good looking, especially considering it’s a launch title. Cityscapes sparkle, foliage is lush and figures cast long shadows. Lens flare is plentiful – so much so that at times I actually found myself squinting. Killzone: Shadow Fall Hel‘ghastly opponents Think …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    PS4 sat here now, waiting for this..

    Picked up the PS4 myself, but KZ:SF is on the Xmas gift list.

    In the meantime, I'm making sure I get the most out of the all the excellent free games that PS4 owners get. (ResoGun, Contrast, DC Universe Online, Warframe, Blacklight: Retribution, War Thunder)..

    What you mean nobody mentioned lots of free games on PS4?...........

    1. Levente Szileszky

      Re: PS4 sat here now, waiting for this..

      Maybe it's me and my ~30 years-old gaming habits (starting on ZX Spectrum, even writing one and it's still an ongoing affair albeit rather occasionally, on my current six-core at home) but both Blacklight and Warframe is an utter PoC when it comes to playability, solely due to the laughable controller, due to lack of proper kb+mouse...

      ...playing FPS with console controllers is akin to trying to go up on a hillside serpentine at 50 mph, towing a brakeless single-axed trailer in REVERSE, by only using THE MIRROR... can be done but why would you f'n bother doing it if you can play it on a PC, not only nicer but MUCH FASTER, easier and most importantly not getting frustrated as hell by the console's idiotic, slow, lame-clunky-useless control scheme?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: PS4 sat here now, waiting for this..

        No problems here.

        Are you sure you are not suffering from some delusional PC snobbery, where the belief that having a 102 key keyboard where you use 4 of them and a mouse that only works on a flat surface is somehow a really good feature?

        If you really want to see how a good controller setup can be, Killzone3 with the Move gun. THAT'S the way its done, not a keyboard or mouse in sight...

        1. MJI Silver badge

          Well over 800 hours

          In KZ3 multiplayer - with Move, well in top 2000 world wide

          A friend is top 20 with Move

        2. Levente Szileszky

          Re: PS4 sat here now, waiting for this..

          "Are you sure you are not suffering from some delusional PC snobbery, "

          Huh? I said controller SUCKS, it's not even COMPARABLE, FFS.

          "If you really want to see how a good controller setup can be, Killzone3 with the Move gun. THAT'S the way its done, not a keyboard or mouse in sight..."

          Says who? Funny kid, you are. :)

          Again, I am talking about precise movement, aiming and full freedom, making complex actions - you are talking about some BS controller scheme you think is the best... FYI you would be practicing target with your funny child gun in a game against people with kb+mouse, THAT'S the way you would be done, I can assure you.

          1. MJI Silver badge

            Re: PS4 sat here now, waiting for this..

            I see, so you have played a Move supported FPS for a while and found YOU can do KBM better?

            Well I have played with Move enough to know that it is the best control scheme I have used with a shooter.

            Trying to sprint with a keyboard - fiddly.

            For a start I don't use the gun just the two controllers.

            I rest my arms on a little table. Turn speed cranked up, high sensitivity.

            A small movement of my wrist and I am pointing at another enemy.

            I turned off any camera lock as it makes it grabby and that is counter intuitive.

            Also remember that the Killzone games carry a sense of weight, no instant turns, no aim assist, not like say HL2 where you can spin Gordon around in a fraction of a second.

            So before you knock Move controlled shooter, try one, put the time in to lean the control system, practise.

            Yes it is good, and the only issue I had was when playing Bioshock Infinite I kept pressing the KZ3 buttons to do things.

            Talking about Bioshock Infinite, before he tried Move, Ken Levine thought motion controls were a gimmick, afterwards he wanted them put in.

            Portal 2 with the Move patch is so much better than twin stick controller.

            If you read into it the game Ken Levine and Sixense both played was Killzone 3.

  2. Pypes

    I got bored shitless half way through this. I suddenly realized I was creeping through the ruins of an abandoned city whilst being stalked by a giant robot tank and not having any fun, where in any decent game I should have been bouncing off the walls. Finishing it turned into a real chore.

    Assassins creed is a much better choice, hamfisted nautical nonsense but fuck me it's fun to play.

    1. MJI Silver badge

      Easiest to despatch the tank, then climb up near the lift, grab the multi barreled gun and audio log, run down, call lift, run back, kill the Yanks.

    2. MJI Silver badge

      Which city, was it the falling down one?

      Was it in front of Bilgarsk Museum?

      That was a bit tough, walking bot EMP grenades and a few Hadra rockets kills it, shoot some capacitor carrying bots near the yellow markers zip line OR anti gravity ride to right hand yellow thing, fit and shoot capacitor.

      Run back into building opposite the museum. Go through side door over road through door, grab Andrenalin pack and the news with Sev & Rico in it, then run like **** to the other power lead end grabbing the capacitor.

      Set Owl on the spider mines.

      Shove it in and shoot, if you die when it explode checkpoint saves you.

      The section after now that is hard!

      One bit of advice

      RUN LIKE HELL the machines are slow at aiming.

  3. MJI Silver badge

    I am currently playing SP

    Still on the second spire. so 3/4 through campaign.

    And it feels odd.

    Gun handling & weight is similar to 2. I really miss Move support from 3. Nice to play as a Shadow Marshall not done that since Luger in 1.

    Now the bad bits.

    Lucas Kellan as a child, his books were in Helghan script, as invented by Visari, the Vektans use Roman. (A-Z).

    Helghast voices, they are all wrong FIVE games of them sounding like Cockney hard men, and what do we get? Yank Helghast, at least you do not feel so bad killing them now, even though they are still sort of victims.

    Jorhan Stahl, why was Malcolm McDowell not used again, wrong voice again. Surely GG & Sony could have afforded it.

    The wall premise, silly, by continent would have been more sensible but that was for story..

    Helghast hate for name Vekta - well they called it that after the chainman of Helghan Industries.

    The set pieces feel clumsy and tacked in, a litle bit like the Uncharted 3 cruise liner section.

    And I have to emphasise again those Helghast accents.

    And of course we all miss Visari's rousing speeches.

    So I would say it feels like someone elses interpretation of a Killzone game, to be honest the PSV game Mercenary feels more Killzoney.

    A good game but ultimately disappointing as a Killzone game. Enjoyed 1 2 & 3 more for campaign.

  4. Sandy Ritchie

    I guess I really am the only person not to have played/completed Resistance:Fall of man, well until recently.

    Yes it feels like its a 2008 game because of the graphics, that said the game handles well and delivers shocks and surprises pretty well. Probably more so because it is old.

    1. MJI Silver badge


      I tried the demo back in 2008, struggled, so didn't bother, so got Uncharted, then got it cheap a few years later.

      Well worth playing through RFoM, R2, R3, I still have to do the PSP game though.

    2. itmonkey

      One of my best PS3 memories was launch day. Playing 40 player deathmatch was an absolute blast. They never quite matched it with R2 or R3, although both were fun to play single player.

  5. MJI Silver badge

    A pet hate

    Since you carry two guns I swapped out the pistol for something more fun, used fun gun, swapped back to Kellan's rail gun, used that swapped back to the fun gun and the bloody pistol appeared, just what you need when you had a multi barrelled gatling like gun on you and a load of Yankghast coming towards you.


    1. MJI Silver badge

      Re: A pet hate

      Worked it out, it was a heavy gun so it got dropped.

      Good game, ending was a downer.

      Could have done with some down time between the boss battle and the final assault

  6. Tom Chiverton 1 Silver badge

    That many stars for a game you can't complete without using Google because they left some instructions out ? Really ?

    1. MJI Silver badge

      You don't need google

      Just need to think a bit

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Never heard of it

    Must be a console game.

    1. MJI Silver badge

      Re: Never heard of it

      Don't worry I expect they have never heard of you

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