Link missing
How about a link to this SAGE AU mob for us sysadmins who've never heard of them until now?
Since time immemorial, the System Administrators Guild of Australia - SAGE AU - has conducted an annual survey of its members and of other IT professionals in Australia. SAGE-AU uses the survey to improve its own services and also take the pulse of Australia's IT workforce, then shares the data with the community so we can all …
And their "banner image" just screams Sys-Admin, doesn't it?!
(just in case, I wasn't running scipts ... but if there is a slide show, then you will see the one I mean!).
Where is the diversity? Where is the paragliding, blonde haired twenty something, logging on - via her S3 - to resolve some impending crisis (before it even happens, man), as she falls gracefully from 10,000 feet?
(I had also never 'eard of 'em ... but then I'm not a sys admin ...)