back to article Darth Vader outs self as iPhone fanboi

Darth Vader has posted his first selfie, and appears to use an iPhone to do it. The selfie appeared on Instagram, which now has an official Star Wars account that will presumably be used as one of the zillion marketing tactics now necessary to motivate the general public to leave their sofas and trek to cinemas. Vader's image …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "iPhone 4 or 5 save for the absence of the speaker slit"

    That is because he doesn't have ears to hold the phone up to. Vader had his suit upgraded with BT sometime ago, so he is setup for hands-free use.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Could be a Samsung copy of the iPhone?

    2. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: "iPhone 4 or 5 save for the absence of the speaker slit"

      Then he's in for a poor user experience given iOS' Bluetooth support is so nobbled as to be bordering on useless.

      Look at what Tony Stark, who uses Android. can do with his HUD.

  2. Number6

    AC @4:54 Well, we know he's certainly legs-free.

    He's probably disturbed by the lack of faith shown by the iTunes store which is refusing to allow his Dark Side application because it competes with Apple's business.

  3. MrDamage


    It's a trap fake!

    A true Sith Lord wouldnt hold the phone in his hand to take a selfie. He would be levitating it.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Meh

      Are you saying that he's holding it wrong?

      1. VinceH

        Re: Meh

        No. Just that he's holding it.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Are those capacitive gloves or is he using the power of the dark side to electrify his fingers?

  5. jake Silver badge


    Nuff said.

    1. TheWeenie

      Re: Stupid.

      Yup. What next? Befriend Chewbacca on Facebook? Or perhaps Anakin has a MySpace page...

      1. LoopyChew

        Re: Stupid.

        Come come, we know that all angst and bad poetry goes on a LiveJournal.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Stupid.

        Jar Jar would definitely be a Google+ user.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Stupid.

          "Jar Jar would definitely be a Google+ user."

          How rude!

    2. James Hughes 1

      Re: Stupid. @jake

      I agree. Your post was stupid.

      Nuff said.

  6. Ralph B

    These are not the Androids you're looking for

    Well, it's clear that Darth Vadar couldn't be an Android user because Google are pledged to do no evil. Right?

    1. graeme leggett Silver badge

      Re: These are not the Androids you're looking for

      he's part android though.

      Kenobi's quote: "more machine now than a man" or something like that.

      1. Intractable Potsherd

        Re: These are not the Androids you're looking for

        But, worryingly, Darth Vader died at the end of "Return of the Jedi" (remember the Viking funeral and neon-glow reunion with Ben and Yoda?) The fact he can take a picture at all is ... well, unlikely.

  7. Danny 5


    came here for the obligatory "phone of the dark side" joke, was disappointed to see i have to make it myself.

  8. JackFrost

    Mac Attac

    The triangle grill on the front of Vader' face mask looks like the triangle heat sink in the new Mac Pro. Coincidence or further evidence of the dark side connection?

  9. jai

    The Empire managed to run, in reasonable order, an entire Galactic Empire. Of course they need tech "that just works"

    Can you imagine an Empire run on WindowsRT?

    And that said, history is written by the winners - we only percieve the Empire as the evil ones because the Rebels won at the end. this whole "Dark Lord of the Sith" stuff could be entirely propagander by Ackbar's PR department (much like Microsofts anti-Google marketing tactic at the moment)

    1. VinceH

      "And that said, history is written by the winners - we only percieve the Empire as the evil ones because the Rebels won at the end. this whole "Dark Lord of the Sith" stuff could be entirely propagander by Ackbar's PR department (much like Microsofts anti-Google marketing tactic at the moment)"

      Well I was going to point out that a series of documentaries was made about the whole affair, which included actual footage of many key events, such as the Death Star destroying Alderaan.

      Then I remembered that some of that footage was 'corrected' in later editions of the documentaries, so maybe you're right.

  10. Nick Ryan

    He's just lucky he's not wearing the wrong kind of gloves, let alone holding it wrong.

    Yep, it's that time of year when you can either freeze your fingers and answer your phone or leave the bugger. (yes, I know there are alternative ways of answering a phone).

    1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Use your nose.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    leave their sofas and trek to cinemas

    trek as in star trek?

    and what's this instragam thingy?

    p.s. I didn't know darth wore motorcycling gloves?

    and, like, can we have a "leak" on darth sexting? Cause it's like, what they do now, innit? Or shake his (hairy, no doubt) ass? There's no marketing like scandal marketing.

  12. AMB-York Silver badge


    All those years of rapid innovation at Apple, but the iPhone still looks the same.

  13. Jimboom

    Yea, I can totally see the Empire being Apple

    I mean just look at the Death star, looks lovely, lots of nice round corners. But you drop something in the wrong place, in the case of the Death star 2 Photon torpedo's into an impractically placed exhaust port (which kinda screams Apple), then the whole thing cracks up!

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

  14. Jediben

    You don't know the power...

    Of the Dark Side!

  15. Parax

    Evil Empire uses Photoshop - haven't we heard that before?

    Why, yes we have.

    The perspective in the camera image is identical to the overall image, meaning the phone and hand were added on top of the portrait image, also no reflection of hand & phone in the shiny eyes.

  16. Why Not?

    Secondly, Star Wars is famously set “a long time ago in a Galaxy far, far, away”. If Vader truly did use an iOS device in that distant locale and time, Apple's various patent lawsuits against Samsung and others just got a whole lot harder to prosecute successfully.

    No far from it, by exposing it was a long time ago then they have established that no 'prior art' from Samsung can exist. Now they will have to reveal that Apple are really a descendent of an evil Galactic Empire but all except Fanbois won't bat an Eyelid.

  17. i like crisps
    Thumb Up

    Darth's Brother, Jeff Vader, is a big fan of Blackberry...

    ...that's what Eddie Izzard told me...oh yeah, and apparently Darth hates "trays".

  18. Dangerous-Dave


    How come no-one else has pointed out that it's a photo of himself taking a photo of himself...

    Clearly he must have 2 phones, while pictured with what does look very Apple like (it's clearly a rectangle with rounded corners) You have to ask, what was used to take the photo we're looking at.....?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Erm

      Certainly not a Windows Phone, they don't have Instagram.

  19. Sir Sham Cad

    Of course Vader uses iOS

    Because he couldn't find the 'droids he was looking for.

  20. Tim Parker

    That's no iPhone !

    It's a SPACE..... no, no hang on, that's not right....

  21. Zot

    How can he see what he's taking a picture of -

    - if he's staring at the back of the phone?

    Silly old Anakin.

  22. Fruit and Nutcase Silver badge
    Paris Hilton

    Where is the Princess Leia metal bikini icon

    for Star Wars related posts?

  23. RAMChYLD Bronze badge

    genocidal maniac, yes

    But said genocidal maniac actually has tons of squealing fanbois buying up anything with his mug on it.

    1. Christian Berger

      Re: genocidal maniac, yes

      Well somehow you have to finance your death star.

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