knock off??
Isnt DV a Russian knock-off of the Pan Galactic Gargleblaster??
Once described and like being hit by a slice of lemon - wrapped in a large gold brick.
It's that time of year again when whining children and relentless TV advertising attempt to persuade honest, hard-working folk to empty their wallets, hammer their credits cards and reduce themselves to penury in a glorious Yule orgy of unfettered capitalism. Ah, Christmas - a pagan festival hijacked by bible-bashers and now …
Was at Stirling Uni back in the late 70s, and our local in Bridge of Allan, The Westerton Arms, had a House Special - the Cobalt Bomb - a similar effect to the PGG if imbibed more than once an evening.
.Ingredients, to be poured into a quart (2 pint) glass if available:
1 x Bottle of Fowlers Wee Heavy @ 7.5% ABV
1 x Bottle of Carlsberg Special Brew @ 9.0% ABV
Pour in ordinary Heavy until 3 inches from the top - say 4% ABV
Top up to the brim with Cider - say 4% ABV
NB: can be turned in to a Neutron Bomb with the addition of a measure of Vodka - 37.5% ABV
DO NOT STIR - as this spoils the effect, but to be honest after the first half pint?...you won't notice.
Sadly gone as a House Special, and possibly banned under the Chemical Weapons Convention.
Obvious icon
Earlier than that...
Private Eye had a cartoon of a sweet little girl with a "My Little Pony" stable on the table, next to her Dennis the Menace of a brother who had a toy building with a "My Little Knacker's Yard" sign affixed.
If my memory serves me correctly, this was early-mid 1970's...
My 3 little ones would have that unwrapped in a second and placed in their spider hotel (the spiders never stay for long, something to do with the little ones squeezing their abdomen I presume). And yes their spider hotel has had Steatoda nobilis in it a lot as we have had it down south here for many many years.
I am sure they would befriend this mutant too.
perhaps it's because it's Monday. Not that I feel a particular urge to re-check on any other day of the week. I've had Christmas tunes and themes up to here for the last 24 hours, when a coincidental combination of weekend, 1st December and telly on (kids and wife) demonstrated that the advertising DDoS attack does work :(
Coincidence?! You live in the la-la land, myfriend. It's the Xmas DDoS, buy now!!!! :(
Shame I have only two thumbs to give the maximum score of two thumbs up! Outstanding work by the crack Register Playmobil team. The head in the wheelbarrow is particularly well done.
Still, I have this nagging fear: is this investigative journalism at its finest....or has the Register's advertising bureau simply sold out the editorial space to some big accounts?
I looked up the bumper book of astronomical flops on Amazon because it sounded funny. No such book, sadly. However, high up on the search was this: ASIN: B00G2ETHJS - really NSFW and dodgy-sounding enough that I'm surprised The Daily Mail hasn't found it yet.
Thumbs up for the Playmobatoir.
I have my own version of this, based around my family holiday from the UK to China a few years ago to coincide with the solar eclipse....poured with rain most of the day. Got some nice photos of everyone on the beach in the dark though!
Made up for it in Cairns a couple of years later though!