back to article PS4 with Black Friday underway: TOUGH, you CAN'T HAVE ONE!

Amazon has dashed the festive dreams of kiddies across Britain after warning that anyone who plans to buy a new PS4 from the online souk will only receive it after Christmas. The edict also applies to anyone who has already ordered the £349 games console after the cut-off date of 14 November. For Amazon has warned that only …


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  1. sandman


    ...I'm betting that there will be a good number of people who will… "Borrow the £350 necessary to buy a PS4 and you'll only have to stump up £108.31 in fees and interest if you pay it back within 29 days."

    1. Andrew Lobban

      Re: Sadly...

      I knew wonga et al were bad, but holy shit that is horrendous!

      1. Maharg

        Re: Sadly...

        I borrowed from a company like Wonga (I won’t say the name as I don’t want to be accused of being a ‘shrill’) once, back in my students days as I needed to get over to Ireland for a funeral and wouldn’t have been paid in time, I borrowed £200, after 5 days (the 4th day being the day I got paid) I paid them £215, to me £15 didn’t seem that much of a cost to have £200 in my account early and allow me to get the flight, in fact it was half the charge I would had received in overdraft fees from my bank, regardless of it being £2, £20 or £200.

        As I said I only used them once, but these loans are supposed to be one off short term jobs, if you have to borrow £350 and can’t pay over the best part of a month, chances are you shouldn’t be getting the loan in the first place, let alone a new games console, but if it wasn’t for them I would have been stuck and rather than any mismanaging of my finances (as little as they were at the time) as I was easily able to pay for it, it was a question of timing.

        Once again it comes down to having a level of responsibility; a £15 charge in my opinion is pretty good for the service, but there is no way I would use, or advise others to use a company like that for anything more than a couple of days.

        The companies tell you how much they will charge, you agree when they will take the money out, they tell you what happens if you can’t pay, they even had contact information for free debt advice, if someone ignores all of that and still takes out a loan they know they cannot afford and have no intention of being able to pay it without another loan, then that is not the companies fault it is theirs.

        Better to educate people in how to manage their money they ban services that others (like in my case) are able to use without any issues and for a valid reason

        1. asdf

          Re: Sadly...

          >I borrowed from a company like Wonga

          It all comes down to the local laws. The governments in the UK probably aren't as bad about encouraging friends of the politicians to be allowed to get %4500 yearly interest off the poor like some of the pay day loan scams in parts of the US. Then again there are few developed countries in the world more openly hostile towards their poor than the US.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Sadly...

          downvote. Not because you used the service wisely, but because the service isn't aimed at you. They want nothing more than for people to take their time to pay back. And whichever way you look at it, the charge is stupid and those offering it are nothing but sharks with a smiley face.

          1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
    2. DrXym

      Re: Sadly...

      The silly part is that if those same people saved £10 each week that by the time they could afford the PS4 (or XBox One) there may actually be decent choice of games to play and a clear picture of whether the console was worth buying or not.

      I never understood the mentality in buying a launch console and being the victim of a shitty selection of games, flakey firmware, hardware problems and lots of network outages.

  2. WinHatter

    If you still manage to get one

    ... buy a hot air soldering station and IR preheating plate at the same time, there may be a shortage of those after Xmas.

    1. Dave 126 Silver badge

      Re: If you still manage to get one

      It'd be easier to just return it under The Sales of Goods Act, or the Distance Selling Regulations.

      It's better to save the soldering iron for something that is cheaper and simpler.

  3. Wize

    "... giving away an Xbox One and Playstation 4 to one (un)lucky person who decides to "Like" its Facebook page."

    I would say that a flood of fake pages will start up. However there are already a flood of fake pages up there to win an iPad or Playstation (or whatever floats your boat) by liking the page and giving them all your personal details.

  4. Ben Rosenthal

    pizza, energy drink and Tinie Tempah

    or as it's otherwise known, the Ludovico Technique.

    1. i like crisps

      Re: pizza, energy drink and Tinie Tempah

      Surely you mean "The Heimlich Maneuver"?

      1. Great Bu

        Re: pizza, energy drink and Tinie Tempah

        No, he means "In contravention of the Geneva Convention".........

        1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge
          Paris Hilton

          Re: pizza, energy drink and Tinie Tempah

          > Don't you mean...

          ... the "The Heimlich Counter-Manoeuver", which, being tier 1 of Aperture Science's research and development program, consists in "A reliable technique for interrupting the life-saving Heimlich Manoeuver."

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Whether it's an Xbox one or PS4

    You are the alpha testers, the early adopters curse.

    1. Dave 126 Silver badge

      Re: Whether it's an Xbox one or PS4

      Anecdotally, that seems to be the attitude amongst my PS3 and XBOX 360 owning friends- wait until the new consoles get a bit cheaper, wait until the list of available games get bigger and reviews are published...

      And besides, they're still working their way through GTA5 or BF4 on their existing kit.

      1. Great Bu

        Re: Whether it's an Xbox one or PS4

        I am blessed with an April birthday, by which time I hope the early adopters will have cleared up all the launch issues and I will be able to choose easily.

  6. Captain Scarlet

    Loan Services

    You forgot to say other rip off merchants also available!

  7. Eradicate all BB entrants

    Actually after the debacle .....

    ..... Amazon had with the Xbox One last week, not shipping a load of them in time, I think the not until after Christmas message is due to their ineptitude and not availability of boxes.

    1. Dave 126 Silver badge


      It's better to 'under promise'. No one is going to get bent out of shape if their console does arrive before Christmas if they expected it in the first week of January. The converse is not true.

  8. jai

    old news?

    Amazon made the announcement two weeks ago that if you didn't order before the 14th then you wouldn't get it before Xmas. On the 14th in fact.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: old news?

      Surely Sony can attach electrodes from the many faulty PS4s to the genitals of all those Chinese interns and get them working a bit faster?

      Or maybe threaten to infect their PCs with roots kits and their Blueray players with Cinavia - and distribute their personal info across the internet...Oh, wait.

      1. i like crisps

        Re: old news?

        Off Topic for a mo, where the hell have The Reg hidden the icon you're using....

        ....given you an Upvote as a bribe.

        1. Anonymous Custard Silver badge

          Re: old news?

          If you mean the Guy Fawkes / V-for-Vendetta mask, it's the one (and only one) used if the post anonymously box above the text entry box is ticked when you make the post.

          Tick the box and it auto-selects from a list of one.

          1. i like crisps
            Thumb Up

            Re: old news?

            Thanks for the prompt reply, never posted anonymously before...have an upvote.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: old news?

              Have an upvote for liking crisps

              1. i like crisps
                Thumb Up

                Re: old news?

                Have an Upvote yourself Sir or Madam, for showing such splendid taste

                in my snack of fact Upvotes all round i say.

            2. Anonymous Custard Silver badge

              Re: old news?

              You're welcome, happy to help. And thank you for the upvote :)

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: old news?

            I always insist that custard is anonymised.... especially on rhubarb crumble

      2. DrXym

        Re: old news?

        "Or maybe threaten to infect their PCs with roots kits and their Blueray players with Cinavia - and distribute their personal info across the internet...Oh, wait."

        Cinavia is now an obligatory part of the blu ray spec. So the systems on a chip which goes into these boxes, TVs etc. will all implement it. Chances are that the XBox One implements it too.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: old news?

          " Chances are that the XBox One implements it too."

          But only as part of the BluRay player app (which can be uninstalled) not as part of the Video player app.

          You can't escape on the PS4 though....

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: You can't escape on the PS4 though....

            Oh good, the MS shills are back! Can't have a civil conversation going on too long.....

          2. DrXym

            Re: old news?

            "But only as part of the BluRay player app (which can be uninstalled) not as part of the Video player app."

            You *hope*, and it could change at any point, particularly if Microsoft tries to curry favour with content providers.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    pre orders sold at local stores

    But big shipment of followup ps4 early next week according to my sources. But not Xbox one, as flex has serious yield issues.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Bricks and mortar

    are saying there will be PS4 stock, new stock weekly infact.

  11. Stilted Banter

    Black Friday?

    Why the 'Black Friday' reference in the headline? The story is about Britain. We don't have Black Friday in Britain.

    1. jonathanb Silver badge

      Re: Black Friday?

      Some retailers have decided we do have one now. Apple started it a few years back, then Amazon got on the act, and now John Lewis has joined them.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Black Friday?

      I thought it was a Megadeth reference! :)

    3. Mark Harris

      Re: Black Friday?

      Haven't been to Amazon UK at all this week have you? They run Black Friday deals all week on the UK site.

      1. Stilted Banter

        Re: Black Friday?

        This is why I stopped buying things.

        1. Captain DaFt

          Re: Black Friday?

          "This is why I stopped buying things."

          Was that you sitting on the kerb with the the "Will commentard for food" sign, then?

          1. Stilted Banter

            Re: Black Friday?

            Was that you sitting on the kerb with the the "Will commentard for food" sign, then?

            No, that's you, that is. That's you in your dream job.

            1. sabroni Silver badge
              Thumb Up

              Re: No, that's you, that is.

              Quality repartee!

    4. Charlie Clark Silver badge

      Re: Black Friday?

      Why the 'Black Friday' reference in the headline? The story is about Britain. We don't have Black Friday in Britain.

      And even with the increasing number of companies trying to jump on the bandwagon - we'll know the end of the world is nigh when DFS and MFI join in - the story seems to be about getting stuff in time for Christmas. So, I'm doubly baffled.

      And while we're at it: what the fuck is "pre-ordering" supposed to mean?

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Black Friday?

      "We don't have Black Friday in Britain."

      Try telling my local KFC that.....

  12. MJI Silver badge

    Two quick phone calls today

    My wife called - my game still not dispatched

    Called Game - they said £45 - so they have put it in my bag, called wife - cancelled Amazon.

    Will use the vouchers for a controller, for now Game have just taken business off Amazon

  13. Anonymous Noel Coward

    I was going to buy a PS4...

    ...but then I felt it would be cheaper to buy a flashing blue light instead.

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "I live opposite the #PS4 pop-up shop in Covent Garden. People CAMPED outside my flat and queues started to form at 4am. People are weird."

    Listening Parents? You know who you are!


  15. Richard Taylor 2

    You mean

    they have not ordered it.... (what the f*ck is this pre-order sh*t)?

  16. Suburban Inmate

    Tea, coffee, coco, cuppasoup, sausage rolls, £3 each

    Harry could have made a good few bob there!

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Latest South Park double ep.

    It's all this (Black Friday plus XBone vs PS4), plus Game of Thrones, bloody marvellous it is :o)

    So yeah, it's just the Boxing Day sales, but earlier so the frenzy is higher being at the height of Xmas consumption inducement. Save more on pressies so you have more for the sales. It's like feeding rats to zombies a fence.

    Yes, I watch too much TV.

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