"2.5% are you daft?"
Yes, you are right, it is more like 1.5% What an idiot indeed.
Five families in the Northern Territory are connected to the fibre national broadband network, with Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull gleefully revealing the latest figures from the company he now oversees…
The Communications Minister told Parliament on Tuesday that only 322 families in the Northern Territory were capable of getting a broadband service on the fibre network and of those households, only five have connected…
In a speech that drew laughter and jeering, Mr Turnbull taunted Labor about its “switching on” ceremonies in which ministers would travel to the Northern Territory to haul fibre to dramatise the progress of the NBN… Former Communications Minister Stephen Conroy “went to the Northern Territory more often than there are active connections on the broadband network,” he said."
Oh, and the "20 billion dollar a year IT industry" already has access to fibre numbnut. Where I work we have had a fibre connection for going on 10 years. This is not about businesses, this is all about kids wanting to get their porn faster.
"How about the fact that this doesn't come from tax payers funds. It is borrowed money. "
There is no way in hell that NBN co will ever be able to pay back $50-90Bn at their current pricing/adoption levels. It is economic nonsense to suggest they can.
This means that at some point in the future the government will be forced to either write off its exposure to NBN Co or take it over as a government owned company, at which point we are back to the grand old days of the government owned Telecom monopoly. Either scenario comes at a massive cost to the taxpayer.
"how about you are a dumbass,"
You really shoudn't be calling other people "dumbass" & "idiiot" by the way.
"People want this."
There are people who want free stuff you say? What a shock. Most people who have surpassed the level of juvenile simpleton however realise that there really is no such thing as free stuff. Somebody somewhere has to pay the price.
What you and your ilk are annoyed about is that there are plenty of people out there who don't want to buy a fast Internet connection for you. How inconsiderate of them. Don't they know your Battlefield scores are suffering?
You're just a junior socialist who wants everyone else to subsidise your desire for da faster internets.
Pay for your own stuff junior. Don't expect me buy it for you.