Geostationary - bloody tough
Serves as a good reminder at how astonishingly far out geostationary orbit is - ~22,000 miles. Consider Hubble, roughly the furthest a Shuttle ever got, is about 350 miles.
The first attempt by SpaceX to launch a satellite into geostationary orbit has been put on hold after a number of technical problems left its Falcon 9 rocket on the launch pad. The SpaceX team had a 66-minute launch window for Monday's rocket trip, and halted the countdown at T-13 minutes after engineers discovered a problem …
Shame it didn't go ahead tonight, but it was the right call, and the webcast gave a great insight into the abort , recycle, and safing procedures, as well as the management of the launch window with multiple attempts. One note, you forgot to change this bit back:
The second stage, with just a single Merlin rocket engine, then fired off two burns to get the satellite to the desired altitude.
I wish we could get a few details about the launch. For example, how much fuel, in actual quantity and burn-time, will be left in the 1st stage after that 3-minute initial burn. It'd be good to know how much it takes to get the first stage down again in one piece.
Still, it's better to have the launch cancelled and re-scheduled than have it launch & fail. Here's hoping that the next scheduled launch goes off without a hitch.
Exactly. Success, in launching circles, is defined as "we didn't blow up". All the mechanisms and procedures designed to prevent the destruction of the vehicle worked perfectly.
On the pad without having blown up is a success. In the correct orbit without blowing up is a great success.
I can only caution against trying out KSP if you're not addicted yet. Before you know it you too will talk in incomprehensible jargon about "burning prograde at apoapsis" and "delta-V required for taking off from Eve", and you'll waste countless hours watching Scott Manley be better at it than you on YouTube.
You Have Been Warned.
(Icon should be self explanatory for KSP fans.)
They also had problems with the strongback that lifts the rocket vertical and acts as sort of a gantry. First, it ripped a cooling umbilical out of the payload fairing when it retracted, and second, it wouldn't lift back into place after the scrub.
Second, to be totally selfish, this is better for me because there should be no clouds on Thanksgiving, so I actually have a chance of seeing the launch.
And last, Molly McCormick can integrate my avionics any time! A hot brainy babe that's into computers, space & rockets? I'm in LOVE! I mean it this time!