"Siats is just the tip of the iceberg"
We just don't seem to be able to get off the subject of climate change, do we?
Before the T. rex held the world in the palm of his tiny, tiny clawed hands, another newly discovered dinosaur was terrorising the planet 98 million years ago. Siats eating an iguanodontian and intimidating early, small-bodied tyrannosauroids. Siats chows down on some iguanodontian and scares the crap out of puny …
These "scientists" oh excuse me, BOFFINS, are just guessing. They don't really have a clue as to whether it was one million, 10 million, 100 million years, or just 6,000 years. Do some real research and discover the truth about the so-called dating methods used to come up with these astronomical numbers, and you'll be skeptical too.
The Bible is a far more reliable source of information about all things, including the history of the world, and any of these guessers. See the Golden Ratio format of the Bible at www.phibible.org to see exactly why.
Look here you toolbelt. Whether or not you believe the Bible is a personal decision. But you'd have to be crazy as well as totally ignorant of its past to ascribe any mysterious attributes to the book.
It's thousands of years of the history of ruling class of one poor middle eastern tribe combined with 1600 years of hand selected literature and mythology that's been translated, edited, reinterpreted and politicized. The rest of the material was destroyed, publicly, by the Church. The first 1200 years of the Church were spent destroying all the works they chose not to include in the abridged version. There is no such thing as 'One Bible to Rule Them All'.
You could, and still can, out and create your very own edition of the Bible and claim it to be the one true word of God. No editorial board is going to censure you for doing so. It was never intended to act as the verbatim word of God. That's a fairly recent development. The priestly class has always been the final word on God, the Bible was simply a summarized reference manual for keeping the message consistent and for good quotes.
There's some good stuff in the Bible for sure, but it's fucking insane to say it is somehow magical or contains powers. That's just stupid. It really doesn't help anyone's case when nutters like you are roaming the land and spewing garbage like that.
Having studied for many years I have concluded Douglas Adams was right.
The agencies that protect us, should be waterboading mice, because we want answers, now!
and the dolphins know more than they're letting on, so waterboard, err, airboard, oh, just subject them to 24 hour skatalite tv, you know, the crap that passes for entertainment these days, they'll crack eventually.
As for the Bible, it was written by mice to hinder our ability to become an enlightened species.
God is to be found in the detail of our universe, not in the subtext of micecreants writings.
Forever and ever
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"and the dolphins know more than they're letting on, so waterboard, err, airboard, oh, just subject them to 24 hour skatalite tv"
You might be able to waterboard a dolphin - does anyone here know? (I am thinking marine biologists rather than delphinidaphobes or cetacean sadists).