Hold on, this is a couple of months old.
The most recent Street View addition is the inside of BBC Television Centre:
Of all the places and eras Doctor Who could visit, it seems he's decided to land in modern day Earls Court, London. At least, that's where you can find an interactive TARDIS in Google Maps, which has been beefed up to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Beeb's favourite Time Lord. A company called C Inside Media opened up …
Get out of the Tardis, in the field, and have a look around. Anonymised horse, sheesh.
The buttons on the control panel have tooltips indicating what they do.
Oh, and if you use the red button for the map, you can go back to Earl's Court Road, use StreetView and get inside the Tardis again, while being inside of the Tardis.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with having the Tardis on the inside of the Tardis, since it's bigger inside…
Me too I watched that movie every day for years when I was a kid...ok adult too. I'm surprised it never made the transition from movie to series. Although whether that would be a good thing or not I'm not sure. It was the best 'time travel button' sound I could find. If anyone owns a Delorian that I can photograph and put on Google Street view let me know.
What I love about this is it isn't CGI - you can see the weld marks and marker tape on the floor, and if you look up to the edge of the canopy there's a definite hint of the set-builder's staple, 2"x2" PSE, holding it up! You can also amuse yourself working out what all the knobs and levers came from originally :-)
And over the last three months, I've received eleven identical "We have reviewed your request and concluded that it does not qualify for blurring or removal" auto messages.
I was not trying to have it removed, I was trying to have it 'friggin work.