First of all Brid-Aine Parnell,
'This would solve an awful lot of the human race's current issues.'
No it wouldn't.
If I discovered a cheap and abundant energy source today and published it to the world, the entire global economy would collapse tomorrow.
If my country discovered a cheap and abundant energy source today and sought to exploit it, my country would be bombed back to the stone age tomorrow.
(Dollar hegemony)
To the poster who said that if enough money was thrown at the problem (controllable fusion) then it could be achieved in short order.
How much money do you need ?
Mervyn King demonstrated, with a simple keypress, that he could conjure up 375 thousand million pounds, just like that.
Ben Bernanke creates 80 thousand million dollars every month (Janet Yellen will in all likelihood increase this rate)
Throwing money at the problem will not help (as money is only virtual), only throwing productivity at it will help
Average western production worker given all the tools available is probably reaching a leverage of > 4 to 1 however productivity per worker has peaked, GDP has continued to rise because this drop in per productive worker has been masked by increasing the no. of workers (the UK has been importing them), this cannot continue indefinitely.
Peak productivity per worker is reached around 30 years old, average age of UK worker is past that.
The question of can we achieve controllable fusion turns out to be not one of physics or even economics, it is a question of maths.