back to article DE-MON-STRATE! How a DALEK SAVED AUSTRALIA from a Dr Who drought in 1977

A small Australian boy's tricycle once made a massive contribution to a small antipodean slice of Doctor Who history. The boy was named Geoffrey Dougherty and was lucky enough to have two trikes - an old and small vehicle and a new and larger ride. Big sister Kerrie and some friends from the University of Sydney planned to …


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  1. MrDamage

    Wanting the Daleks to win

    They are more than welcome to "win", taking off in the Opera House with all of our beer, as long as that beer was either Fosters, XXXX, Tooheys New, or VB.

    I'd be fighting to the death of they had pinched all of the James Squire, or Matilda Bay beers.

    1. Oengus

      Re: Wanting the Daleks to win

      From the story I would guess the fan film was made in the late 70's or early 80's long before James Squire or Matilda Bay came into existence.

      There would have been KB, Reschs, Dinner Ale (all now extinct I think) or Tooheys Old. XXXX was almost exlcusively a Qld beer. In those days the only "boutique beers" were imports.

      Today if the Daleks wanted to take XXXX, VB, Tooheys or Fosters I would be at the front of the queue ushering them into the breweries and helping them to load up. However, I think I would rather they filled Parliment House and took it with them instead of the Opera House (so long as they took the politicians as well).

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Wanting the Daleks to win

        Parliament House would be more aerodynamic than the Opera House.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Wanting the Daleks to win

        NSW beer?

        Sure, take it, take it all.

        They called it "Reschs" for a was the sound you made after drinking a few schooners of the awful stuff.

      3. Woza

        Re: Wanting the Daleks to win

        Resches is not extinct yet, for better or for worse.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    That's that bloody lager stuff. Not beer.

  3. Parax

    Is the video still available? it seems to be showing as private :(

  4. Chozo

    Dalek Racing..

    now there's a real challange for the Special Projects Division

    mines the one with the jelly babies in the pocket

  5. Michael Philbey 1

    Not the first Australian Dalek

    If i remember correctly on of the first TV Daleks was also an Austalian.

  6. Petrea Mitchell

    Fandom was not so nascent

    I can't tell if the "nascent" fandom is supposed to mean DW fandom specifically or Australian science fiction fandom in general. If the latter, Australia had hosted its first World Science Fiction Convention, which requires a well-established and organized local fan community, in 1975.

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