back to article Japan set to create DARPA-style agency for military tech

Japan’s wolfish new government may create a DARPA-style agency to research, develop and adapt cutting edge technologies for possible military use. The US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) was founded back in the ‘50s as a response to the Soviet Sputnik launch, with a mission to execute forward-looking R&D …


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  1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    I think the Japanes govt has managed to create "Strategic surprise" quite well.

    But we mustn't mention the unpleasantness of 1939-45.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I think the Japanes govt has managed to create "Strategic surprise" quite well.


      If you're going to pull out the old tired clichés, then at least get your dates right, the "unpleasantness of 1939-45" us very much a American/Euro Perspective.

      Japans imperial expansionism started in 1931 with the invasion of Manchuria, China in 1937 and incursions into Soviet Territory in 1938.

      It is commonly held that they were able to "Strategically Surprise" on 7th December '41 (notwithstanding various conspiracy theories) and it is this to which I assume that you are actually alluding to?

  2. Denarius Silver badge

    high hopes, but maybe wrong culture

    at risk of wrong kind of PC accusations from the rising tide of censorship engulfing us, one remembers the 5th Gen computer project, almost. To create really new stuff, not just polish up innovative discoveries from elsewhere, a nation needs a culture that is not conformist with room for disruptive minds. The old joke about LSD and unix both from Berkley springs to mind as an example. Also the reason that R&D is collapsing in West as it becomes inward looking and conformist. Wish them well, but I do not hold out hope of anything much more than really nifty electronics in whatever they choose to make. Maybe they will crack lightweight voice control circuits. Now that would be useful for a lot of things.

  3. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    To Houses of the Rising Sun .... Bold New Dawning Technologies with AIMethodologies

    The more the merrier in such fields, El Reg, for if the West is not intelligent enough to wield and/or even engage with supply parties for wiser contemplative use, rather than rampant rabid abuse of what be offered freely today to make tomorrow a better place with virtual spaces, then is it only fair and reasonable and wholly natural that it and its IT Command and Control of Computers and Communications in Creative CyberSpace fly far, high, wide and handsome to the East.

    And Thank Goodness for Google Translate whenever one's Japanese is a bit rusty.

    One trusts in Global Operating Devices that such positive interest being shown is all that the Far and the nearer Near, Middle to Far East domains of the likes of an India or China or Russia needs, to realise such a project and promising dream venture, to have the very sheepish .....Japan’s wolfish new government may create a DARPA-style agency to research, develop and adapt cutting edge technologies for possible military use. ..... transformed into a leading certainty with a positive decision that states a state that ...... will create a DARPA-style agency to research, develop and adapt cutting edge technologies for every possible use desired, and even to probably also include the military

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    > Japan’s wolfish new government may create a DARPA-style agency to research, develop and adapt cutting edge technologies for possible military use.

    So....giant robots then?

    1. Flawless101

      I'd prefer more Evangelion style "robots". I mean, who doesn't like tang?

  5. Splodger

    Japanese defence forces will in the future consist of laser-equipped Power Rangers, a smattering of Transformers and a Mecha-Streisand.

    Can't wait!

  6. Sheep!


    Nuff said...

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