The PS3 was and still is a top-notch product
The PS4 is a scam and a fraud.
The PS4 surely can't be a supercomputer. The already obsolete outdated AMD APU Jaguar at 1.6GHz it's 30% slower than the slowest Intel Core i3 CPU.
The PS4 (as well as the XBoxOne which is just the same fraud,same hardware crap,same scam) already can't even sustain 720p 30fps real-time rendered games. 1080p can be barely achieved by dropping texture quality, 3D models complexity, disabling light and physics effects or lowering quality a lot on each single algorithm.
If millions of people will be sheep and enjoy being ripped off by buying this fake next-gen consoles scam fraud then there will be no new true next-gen consoles for the next 8-10 years. By that time UHDV 8K 32MegaPixel movies, tv shows and PC gaming will have become a reality already.. but the consoles won't have been able to even deliver 4K gaming and movies playback.
Only by rejecting this fraud and not buying the outdated scam fake next-gen consoles there is a chance that then the managers thieves behind all of this will be forced to be in a hurry spending money on R&D before going bankrupt to deliver true next-gen future proof 4K and 8K capable consoles in 2-3 years from now.
Otherwise buy this scam now and forget about any true next-gen consoles being released for a long time.