Well, Microsoft would say that, wouldn't it?
...after Microsoft revealed new research claiming over 34,000 publicly-funded bank branches are still reliant on Windows XP
What else would you expect Microsoft to say? After all it's not impartial, and for every XP still in existence, it's a lost sale.
In a post to the El Reg article REJOICE! Windows 7 users can get IE11 ... soon they'll have NO choice about MS forcing users to accept IE 11 through Automatic Updates, I gave just some of our reasons why we'll be using XP indefinitely past the 2014 deadline.
Essentially, we're finished giving money to Microsoft for junk.
Seems, like us, the Indian banks have woken up and called Microsoft's bluff.
Footnote: Doesn't it strike anyone as peculiar that the software industry alone, especially Microsoft with Windows, can scare users into upgrading by saying its earlier product is so crappy, poxy and unusable 'that it'll do you great harm to use it, XP, one second past the end of support'!
Imagine a car or any other manufacturer risking its business name, reputation and credibility by saying that its previous products had manufacturing faults and defects so unacceptable that it would harm you or you business to keep using them. Essentially, this is what's happened with Microsoft and XP!
Listen IT users, you've been hoodwinked by the greatest con-job of all time--the principle of accepting that software is (and has to be) defective when you buy it--in fact so defective that you MUST have ongoing support to use it or it'll screw you completely if you don't!
IT-ers, you're supposed to be technical people with the ability to see through con-jobs such as this! For heavens sake, keep a little of your self respect and start objecting seriously to this crappy Microsoft propaganda.
This con-job has not only made Microsoft and its owners billions and billions of dollars, which won't be refunded to you because the product is faulty--but also it's made some of the richest people in the world at our expense. Right, we gullible users have actually let these Cretins and con merchants get away with one of the greatest lies of all time.
"More fool us."
...Right again Shakespeare.