back to article Planet hopper: The Earthly destinations of Doctor Who

The Doctor has often stated that the Earth is quite his favourite planet, and it’s by far his most frequent destination. Yet judging by his televised adventures, he has seen surprisingly little of it. He has barely visited a tenth of all the countries of the world, and the vast majority of his escapades have taken place in …


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  1. Michael H.F. Wilkinson Silver badge


    Right in the centre of London!


    1. M7S

      Re: 42!!!! - Well, for a given value of Earth

      It depends, do you think they included Ravalox? That turned out not only to be Earth (stupidly "hidden" by being moved less than the distance to our next nearest star, D'oh) but when he looked around there was even the remains of a tube station when he went looking around, so I think that should be counted as well.

  2. John Gamble

    O Canada

    All this time and not one visit to Canada?

    Even as an American, I find that suspicious. At the very least there ought to be a Cyberman or two roaming Saskatchewan.

    1. Code Monkey

      Re: O Canada

      They had that big ruckus at Canary Wharf - aka One Canada Square. Will that do you, eh?

    2. Robert Carnegie Silver badge

      Re: O Canada

      Canada got to borrow The New Avengers from the U.K., apparently by co-producing and co-funding their show. Mmm... Joanna Yumley.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: O Canada

        The New Avengers

        currently being reshown on (I think) ITV4

        Mmm... Joanna Yumley

        You might think so, I couldn't possibly comment

      2. DaneB

        Re: O Canada

        Wrinkly, yuck.

  3. Simon Harris

    Definitely in need of keys on the map this time

    As I can't think which stories correspond to some of the countries highlighted.

    Although, I guess if there were, nobody would buy the book!

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Don't forget Pompey and the Solent forts for the 'sea devils' episodes - perhaps the only episodes filmed at sea?

    BTW, here is me with Jon Pertwee 'stabbing me' in Pompey around 1972/73:

  5. pica

    He's missed a whole continent.

    I mean if your going to miss a continent I would have thought it would be Antarctica not south America.

    I would have thought there was at least something nasty going on in the Amazon.

  6. Anonymous Custard Silver badge

    Diggin' the dirt

    And what percentage of those visits have mysteriously also been in quarries?

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Sarah Jane was dropped off in Aberdeen???? I watched them all recently and remember thinking it might have been at the time, but thought nah, don't be daft. Must check again and see if I can pin it down to a street!

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    So like, was it actually filmed in Aberdeen, or did they just say it was where she was dropped off in the new ones? I mean for the purposes of location in the series then fine but it's not the same. I mean I'm guessing they didn't actually film things in Mexico/Antarctica/Austrialia etc.

    That's less exciting (for someone from Aberdeen), but still, great article :)

    1. Vulch

      Re: Hmm

      Sarah Jane mentioned it to the David Tennant incarnation when they met up in "School Reunion". Her last words at the end of "The Hand of Fear" had been something like "I bet it's not even Croydon".

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Hmm

        Checked it out, it certainly could be Aberdeen. No granite in sight but everything's the right shade of grey :)

        As a claim to fame, we'll take it!

  9. Tim Jenkins

    "with a more recent increase in trips to Wales"

    Llanfairfach, 1973, "The Green Death"

    Jon Pertwee, the Brigadier, Giant Maggots...

    First episode to actually scare me sh*tless (or so I'm told; I was only 4 at the time)

  10. Dave Bell

    How Much Does It Matter

    I am assured, on the best authority, that no episode has ever been filmed on another planet.

    1. Rob 5

      Re: How Much Does It Matter

      Not even in the top secret studio on Mars, where they faked the Moon landings?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: How Much Does It Matter

      Apollo's 11,12,14,15,16 and 17 was. Also a few Mars probes (still on going).

      Oh, you meant Dr Who...

    3. Suricou Raven

      Re: How Much Does It Matter

      Planet, no... but there is one episode of the revived series which uses a small amount of footage shot on the moon.

  11. Petrea Mitchell

    Closing scene of "The Hand of Fear"

    IIRC, Sarah Jane's remarks in that scene made it pretty clear at the time that it wasn't Croydon. (Though the information about exactly where it was did come much later.)

  12. J.G.Harston Silver badge

    Lincolnshire in "The North"???? Since when?

    1. graeme leggett Silver badge

      well it's north of where the Brigadier thought he was in the Three Doctors....

    2. Shrimpling

      Its all down to perspective... I was going to complain about Leicestershire being included in the South!

    3. DJ 2

      Re Lincolnshire in "The North"????

      "The North" used to be any place more north than watford gap service station on the M1.

      Friends now tell me it means any place north of the M25.

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    China 3?

    So we are taking the Chinese view on Tibet? (Abominable Snowmen is set in the 1930s which I thought was pre-takeover)

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