Right in the centre of London!
The Doctor has often stated that the Earth is quite his favourite planet, and it’s by far his most frequent destination. Yet judging by his televised adventures, he has seen surprisingly little of it. He has barely visited a tenth of all the countries of the world, and the vast majority of his escapades have taken place in …
It depends, do you think they included Ravalox? That turned out not only to be Earth (stupidly "hidden" by being moved less than the distance to our next nearest star, D'oh) but when he looked around there was even the remains of a tube station when he went looking around, so I think that should be counted as well.
So like, was it actually filmed in Aberdeen, or did they just say it was where she was dropped off in the new ones? I mean for the purposes of location in the series then fine but it's not the same. I mean I'm guessing they didn't actually film things in Mexico/Antarctica/Austrialia etc.
That's less exciting (for someone from Aberdeen), but still, great article :)